Noah's Warning 🙈

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As the afternoon morphed into evening, Mrs. Barnes began to worry a little. "Cooper, honey, could you please call Jace and ask him when he's coming home? He said he'd be back by three o'clock" She said, bouncing little Ruby on her knee making her giggle.

"Relax, babe, he's probably just working an extra shift" Cooper reassured her but as the night time approached and Jace didn't come home, he too started to get worried. Ruby had begun fussing and the twins were asking for their papa.

Cooper tried calling Jace but his phone was switched off. So, he called Sean to see if he knew anything about Jace's whereabouts but no luck there either, which made him worry even more. He didn't know why but he had a feeling that something wasn't right and so he called the hotel where Jace worked at.

When the front desk lady informed him that Jace had been arrested that afternoon, Cooper was shocked. He couldn't fathom as to why the police would arrest an innocent man like Jace.

"Honey, take care of the kids. I...I'll be back in an hour" Cooper called out to his wife, a hint of panic in his voice as he grabbed his car keys and left. Liz, who was busy changing Ruby's diaper, simple hummed in reply since she assumed he was going to bring Jace home like he'd done a few times before.

Two hours later, when Cooper returned home with a dejected look on his face, his wife squinted her eyes in puzzlement. "Honey, what happened? Where is Jace?" She inquired.

"He...he's in jail, Liz" He replied, flopping on the couch with a deep sigh.

Liz's eyes widened at his reply. "Wh...what!? What do you mean....? How can....? Wh....what happened?"

Drawing in a deep breath, Cooper explained to her about what Jace's manager had told him. "He said that Jace tried to steal some important documents from one of the hotel guests. They think that Jace was trying to sell confidential information to the rival company"

Liz shook her head in disbelief. "But.... but Jace would never do something like that!"

"Yeah, I know that but..."

"Did you go to the police station and try to talk to Jace?" Liz inquired further.

Cooper let out another sigh and nodded. "I did but they wouldn't let me see him. I don't know what to do, Liz"

"Hey, it's okay, don't worry. You and I, we'll both go to the police station tomorrow morning and request the officer to let us see him"

"I don't think that's going to be possible, Liz. The officer said that we won't be allowed to see him until they produce him in the court tomorrow afternoon"

"But the kids...." She stopped mid-sentence when she saw little Abigail walk into the living room with her favourite teddy bear clutched in her arm.

She immediately rose from the couch and went over to her, taking her in her arms. "Hey sweetheart, it's late. Why aren't you in bed?" She asked softly.

"Can't sleep. Want papa" Abigail replied, rubbing her eyes while holding onto her bear tightly.

Liz looked over at her husband as they exchanged worried looks before she turned back to the three year old. "Ahh, your papa is working late tonight, sweetheart. Why don't I read you a story?"

"But papa a'ways reads me tories" Abi said in her innocent voice and Liz's heart clenched at seeing the tears in the little girl's eyes. 

"I know, baby, but just for today, why don't I read you a story? Do you like Alice in wonderland?" Liz asked, earning a slight nod from the girl.

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