False Accusations

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Jace placed the bowl of Chocolate Sundae in front of Riele before taking a seat from across her. Riele smiled softly and thanked him.

"Sorry, I had to work late" He returned her smile, taking a small bite of his Homemade Brownie Sundae. It had become his favourite dessert ever since his adoptive parents, the Normans, had bought it for him on his sixteenth birthday, the first birthday he ever remembered celebrating.

"Hey, that's okay, Jace. To be honest, I should be the one apologizing to you. You must be pretty tired from working all day" Riele apologized to him.

"It's okay, Ms. Downs, I'm not really that tired" Jace said with a weary smile but Riele could clearly see the dark circles under his eyes. She wanted to insist that he needed to get some rest but knew it wasn't her place so she decided to keep quiet.

"So, how's your brother doing, Jace?" She asked instead.

"He's doing well, Ms. Downs" 

"I've read somewhere that children who undergo brain surgery may have some problems with their speech and even have difficulty identifying people and remembering past memories"

"Yeah, the doctor told me that could happen but thankfully, Jackson doesn't seem to have any issues of that sort. As soon as he gained consciousness, he was able to recognise me" Jace replied, a happy smile plastered on his face.

"Oh that's great. So, when is he being discharged from the hospital?" She inquired further.

"The doctor said that I'll be able to take him home on Tuesday"

Riele smiled and nodded her head. She so wanted to ask him if she could accompany him to the hospital on Tuesday but didn't know if he would think that she was overstepping her boundaries.

They ate in silence for the next few minutes before Riele spoke again. "Ahh, Jace?" She began hesitantly.

"Yeah?" Jace looked up from his dessert.

"Are you free this Sunday?"

"This Sunday?"

"Yeah, uhm you remember my friend, Ella? It's her birthday so we're all going out for lunch. I was just wondering if you'd like to come with me" Riele said, fiddling with her fingers nervously.

"You want me to come with you?" Jace asked apprehensively. He didn't know how all of her affluent friends were going to react to Riele being with a nobody like him, even if it was just for a few weeks, but didn't dare ask for fear of offending her.

"Yeah, why not? I mean technically speaking, you ARE my boyfriend so..."

"Uhm, y...yes, ma'am" Her lips quirked up in a smirk when he lowered his eyes, blushing a little. His blush was cuter than Riele wanted to admit right now.

"And please, Jace, stop calling me ma'am or Ms. Downs. Call me Riele or you can also call me Rie. I'm not that old you know"

"Okay ma'am, I'm sorry, Riele" He said shyly.

"And then after lunch, I was thinking we could maybe go back to your place?" Riele proposed feeling a bit anxious about Jace's reaction. She really wanted to meet his kids but didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"Oh, uhm... Riele, will it be okay if we go somewhere else instead of my apartment?" He requested timidly.

"Ohh....okay" Riele's face fell at his words.

"I....I mean, I'm sorry, Ms. Downs. I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that it's the weekend and my kids will be home so I thought maybe we could do it some place more private. Like in a hotel room or something" He rushed to explain himself.

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