Saving Jace

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A/N: "Life of Fame" is #1 in Swirls & #1 in Idris and "My Fake Husband" is #1 in Riele. I just want to thank each and everyone of you for your  continuous encouragement and support. Thank you darlings! 


"Sir, please, at least let me call my family just once. I'm really worried about my kids. I need to make sure they're okay. I'm all they have. Please sir" Jace put his cuffed hands in begging motion and implored the man desperately.

"Sure" The officer said placing a sheaf of papers and a pen in front of Jace. "Just sign these and we will let you talk to your family. Simple" He said and gestured to one of the guards to uncuff Jace's hands so he could sign the said papers.

Jace immediately took the papers into his hands and looked over the contents before looking up at the officer in puzzlement. "But...but sir, this is ridiculous! I...I never smuggled any drugs nor am I a part of any human trafficking organization. I swear I don't even...."

The officer gripped Jace's jaw in a tight grip and brought his face close to his, looking at him dead in the eyes. "You either sign these papers or you will NEVER see your family again" He hissed menacingly.

Jace's eyes widened at his words. "Sir, you can't do that! It's against the law to force someone to admit to the crimes they didn't commit" Jace argued with conviction. His brother-in-law, who had been a deputy sheriff back in Sunland Park, had taught him a thing or two about law.

"You fucking piece of shit, how dare you argue with me?" The officer demanded with an angry scowl. He signaled one of the guards, who hit Jace on the knees with an iron rod while the other guard gave a vicious kick to the stomach causing him to cry out and double over in pain.

The officer squatted in front of him and grabbed his hair, pulling his head up, forcing him to look at him. "No one is coming to save you, you pathetic vermin. So you better do as I say and sign this if you don't want us to hurt you more" He threatened in a dangerous tone.

"No." Jace said firmly, anger flaring up in his veins.

"No?" The officer's voice turned icy, making Jace inwardly shiver but he maintained his brave façade.

The man shook his head, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "I don't think you understand your situation, Norman. You DON'T have a choice. You will sign this or....."

The officer was interrupted when one of his subordinates entered the interrogation room. "Sir, a Ms. Downs is here to see you"

"Just tell them I'm busy and ask them to come back later" The officer snapped crossly.

"Ahh but sir...." His subordinate tried to say but got cut off by him.

"Just do as I say and leave!" He barked causing the other man to take a step back and nod his head jerkily. "Okay sir" He scurried out of the room.

Two minutes later, one of the guards showed up. "Sir, the captain wants to speak with you" He informed, panic lacing his tone.

"What, why?" The officer was confused at the look in the guard's eyes.

"Senator Washington's son, Mr. Samuel Washington is waiting in the captain's office, sir, and he is demanding to speak with you right now"

"What!?" The officer ran a hand through his hair, trying to curb the panic that was building in his chest. Why would the senator's son want to meet him?

Taking a deep breath, the officer turned to the guards in the room. "I don't care what you'll do but get him to sign those damn papers by the time I get back" He ordered and left, closing the door behind him.

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