¶chapter twenty nine¶

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Even during breakfast, the same thing continued. Faris asked her to bring salt, and pepper for his egg when she had already added while cooking and butter for a second toast which he never ate. Even once he asked her to heat his tea again. She knew what it was for. He was trying to make her occupied with him. It was a way for making compensation from him for not being able to give her something really important.

Perhaps Faris was thinking that conducts like these would compel her to ignore the fact that he couldn't love her. He would always do the things that lovers do but without feeling it. And maybe now she was really thinking about it. Since she had fallen in love with him, his every act was making her forget this love fiasco from his side.

He had everything a girl would like to see in her husband. And certainly, Ajwa couldn't try to change him because it was not a habit, thinking, or some heart talks, to begin with. It was something which he had no restraint over. This thing couldn't come back and all she had to do was to accept her fate how it was. But the difference was now this acceptance had involved her love for him as well. So it wasn't forced. But somehow it was still hurting her.

This afternoon, Ajwa came in the corridor having her books in her hand. She sat on one of the stretched chairs near the swimming pool. As usual, the weather was very nice today. Pleasant and cool breezes were swaying around which certainly lift her mood.

As Ajwa looked at the blue water of the pool, she realized that she had overreacted a bit yesterday. She shouldn't have lost her cool. Possibly there was a reason behind this behavior of Faris. As his wife, she should ask him about this and help him out. But at that time, she became unforgiving and considered herself a victim. Even Javaria said the same thing when she spilled the cause of her headache to her.

"Ajwa, try to be rational. Your husband maybe needs you to help him overcome the monsters of his childhood. There is definitely something that made him like he is today. You should be the one to ask him about this. You should make a new key for the invisible lock of his heart, enter inside it, and remove all the memories and bad happenings which have made that lock greasy and no one can find it. My dear sister, you should find that lock."

Should Ajwa accept everything? Accept a husband who couldn't love her? The proud girl in her refused to do that. She wasn't like this. She never surrendered to anyone and any condition. But the girl who loved Faris opposed this notion. She sighed and closed her eyes.

She was stuck in this battle of love which she never thought she would be.


As the night commenced, she got ready for their planned dinner. She knew Faris wouldn't let it pass away and something in her, wanted to go out with him. It was their first dinner date. She wanted to know him better. She wanted to see why he couldn't show intense emotions. She had always found him very cool, gentle, and sensible. She seldom saw him in anger. Even when she misbehaved with him during the earlier days of their marriage, he always overlook it by teasing her instead.

She suddenly started missing him. She looked at her wristwatch. It was still half an hour till he would be back at home. Ajwa was wearing a light yellow dress. Obliviously her hands always picked this color whenever she wanted to go out and it did this time as well. But today she wanted to see whether Faris's praise a few months ago was out of real feeling or just a formality. A logical attempt to entice her towards him to accept this marriage.

She left her hair open and put small white tops in her ear. She picked up her small purse and stepped out of the room. Now as she was in the hall where she could get a clear glimpse of Faris's entry into the house, she dialed Javaria's number. Her sister picked it up after two bells.

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