¶chapter thirty two¶

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When he came home that night, he found Ajwa sleeping already with a book that she was hugging to her chest. She was laying down on the bed curved which made him smile. Faris sat beside her and gently caressed her cheek. Her eyes were closed and that was the first time he noticed she had so long and beautiful lashes. He slightly touched them and felt their softness. But perhaps she was sleeping so soundly that she didn't even get a bit disturbed.

Faris's gaze fell from her face to her hands. He carefully tried to take out the book from her hold but it made her flinch. Ajwa clutched her eyes tightly before gradually opening them again. Her husband's fresh face was in front of her which automatically took away every bit of sleep from her senses.

"You...You came?" Ajwa sat up and looked here and there in search of her dupatta. When she found it beside her pillow, she tried to grab it but before that, her wrist was in Faris's grasp.

"Leave it, sunshine. I am not a stranger to you. I am your husband. Be unrestricted with me," he told her.

Ajwa bit her lower lip in shyness. She was in her night comfortable dress right now and it was making her feel nervous to be like this in front of him. He was sitting so closer to her that she was able to inhale the cologne he usually used to wear.

"I'll heat the meal for you," she mumbled and tugged on his hand to let her go since his touch and fragrance were making her feel weird.

"Did you have dinner?" Faris asked instead, still not leaving her wrist.

Ajwa shook her head. "I was studying earlier but then I slept while waiting for you."

Faris suddenly felt bad for her. His wish to have meals with her was affecting her. At first, he did this solely for letting her warm up to the nature of their relationship. Then he really liked eating with her. But now as everything was almost right, he thought it was not okay to longer her like this when he had such a hectic and irregular schedule. He still couldn't reach home at the same time despite aiming for it. And because of this, Ajwa used to remain hungry in wait for him.

Faris softly tugged a strand of hair behind her ear. "You should have had dinner."

"No, I was fine. I like dining with you. You know it has become a habit and now I can't eat alone. And I wasn't hungry anyway," Ajwa said truthfully, earning a heartwarming smile from him.

He pecked the disheveled hair falling on her forehead. "I'll have a quick shower then we'll have dinner together."

Ajwa nodded and saw him going away. Then her attention reverted to her hand which felt so empty as his touch wasn't present like before.


"Faris?" Ajwa's soft voice surrounded the stillness and dusk of the room. Only a green zero bulb was lightened and in its luminosity, she was able to look at her husband, laying on the opposite side of the bed.

"Yes?" He turned his head towards her. There was a small distance between them but now it didn't seem like a distance anymore. It was more of a mutual understanding and respect for each other. Ajwa really needed some time to process this all and Faris was more than happy to give her whatever the time she required.

"You love your sister very much. Isn't it?" Her out-of-the-blue question made him raise a brow at her.

Ajwa had saw whenever they visited Faris's parent's house, he was very devoted and loving for his little sister. Here as well, he often talked about her to Ajwa. Even though he disliked his stepmother, her daughter was the apple of his eye.

"Of course. She is my baby sister," he replied, matter of factly.

"You will never coerce her or throw your decisions on her. Right?"

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