¶chapter twenty five¶

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Faris was having a hard time controlling himself at the strange and regressive thoughts of Khalid. Sometimes he was so sweet that he kind of had an idea that he was buttering him. Faris knew that his Dad had promised a slot for Khalid in his company and that was the reason this man didn't say a word when he got dodged two times. First when Faraan broke the engagement with his elder daughter and then when he fled away, leaving him humiliated.

He was just replying to him with yes, no, or hum. But when Khalid got to know about his plan to continue Ajwa's studies, he grimaced.

"Why are you wasting your money on it? The education of women had no good effect. In the end, they have to be a housewife, just have to do chores, and produce and take care of your kids," Khalid said, making a distasteful face.

"Women are not an animal which men have brought and now they are just there to reproduce and do duties by remaining fixed by a rope. They are an integral part of society, Uncle, who should be respected for their sacrifices. Education is beneficial irrespective of gender," Faris argued, gently.

Khalid shrugged his shoulders. "But I don't want you to let her study. Education will make her more rebellious. She hardly keeps her mouth shut at this stage. Who knows she will stand against me and you when she will have degrees? I know she must be infuriating you as she did with me."

Faris couldn't believe his hearing. Was this man Ajwa's father? He shook his head in dismay. Such terrible thinking.

Faris put his arm on the head of the sofa and gave him a pointed look. "I want my wife to stand with me in every thick and thin. I want her to walk with me with every step. Not behind not ahead. But with me. A wife is not a maid or children-producing machine, Uncle. Wife is a man's better half."

Khalid pressed his lips together in embarrassment at this. Faris had practically almost hushed him off. But a person having such shallow thinking as Khalid wouldn't understand the depth of his words. 

After having a few random talks, Khalid came to the main point. He knew his daughter well and he didn't want to lose the benefits he was getting by working in Kirmani's firm. Cash, housing, advance salary, no restriction of timing, food supplies, and many more. If Faris would lose his control over that big mouth Ajwa, he would be barred from using each one of them which he didn't want. 

"Please bear with her. She is irrational and childish. She has a loose mouth as well. Sometimes misbehaved too but just overlook her mistakes. If she crosses the line, then you are allowed to raise your hand as well. I know women sometimes become a nuisance. But please Faris, don't leave her. I won't be able to bear it."

There Faris's confusion changed into resentment when Khalid mentioned that he had been given full liberty to physically abuse his daughter by her father. God forbid. He quickly defied even the mere thought of it.

"Women expressing their opinion isn't misbehavior or having a loose mouth, Uncle. They also have tongues just like us and they have a right to say what they want just like we do. And a man who even thinks about raising his hand on women least of even doing it is a stain on the name of men. He isn't even a man. Manhood isn't about showing power and strength to women. It's about giving protection, dignity, and respect to the women related to you and any woman in general," he enlightened Khalid who looked away at the direct attack.

"My wife has every right to tell me about what she thinks, what she wants, and what she likes or dislikes," Faris completed with a stern tinge in his tone.

At that time, Ajwa entered with the tray of snacks. She had heard everything and for the first time, she didn't feel bad about her father's bitter comments about her. Instead, her heart swelled up with happiness and pride seeing her husband taking a stand for her and giving her importance. He was indeed very different than the men she had seen in her whole life. And this again made her realize she had fallen in love with Faris.

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