¶chapter sixty four¶

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Faraan thought for a while before giving a brief look at that strange girl who was looking so calm and unaffected right now. "But that concerns your husband and the father of your child. Will you still not try to look into this matter and believe him?"

Ajwa snickered. "I am a person who is allergic to wrongdoing. I can never tolerate it. Even if it involves the person I love, I won't stick by forgery, deceit, and lie."

Faraan zipped his mouth. She seemed very different. He had always seen her being feisty and bitter towards him while she was all sweet with his twin brother. Suddenly he felt bad for both of them. They loved each other so much and they had to stay away just due to him.

"You have really changed a lot, Ajwa," he whispered.

A side of Ajwa's lip curled up while her eyes scanned the scar under his eye. "How am I looking like to you? A defeated and vulnerable girl who has just got her trust broken? You know I always remained very apprehensive to put my trust in someone...but when it came to Faris, he pulled me towards him but look what happened. It perhaps is a journey of shooting to the sky speedily then falling back on the ground even with more rate."

Feeling remorseful, Faraan couldn't say anything and looked away.

"So you think Faris has broken your trust?" He again asked.

Ajwa smiled, her eyes never leaving that deep crescent-shaped scar on his face. "Then what else it is, Faraan? You said right that I will get my lesson because I blindly trust someone and here I got it."

She shrugged her shoulders. "But what can be done now?"

Ajwa left after that, leaving Faraan alone to mourn the piles of his deeds over his heart.


Today the weather was very hot. The sun was pouring bright and scorching rays. Ajwa paid the driver and came out of the rickshaw. She adjusted the dupatta over her head and walked towards the police station, taking hurried steps.

It was after ten days she came here and indeed it felt like an eternity for Ajwa. She was missing Faris. She wanted to see how he was doing. She knew how much of a torture she did on herself when she forced herself to not meet him. She craved to hear his voice, feel his touch, and see him smile.

When she was led to the same lockup by an inspector, her eager eyes once again searched for her husband. She found him sitting on the ground in the corner, in deep thought. When their gazes met, she felt like spring had come and new leaves were sprouting. Her heart swelled up with happiness and her eyes filled with tears. Ajwa indeed torments herself by staying away from him.

Right now, she just wished to find a way and go into his arms. To just hide herself in his safe and warm embrace. She wanted to feel him near him, she wanted him to protect her from all those distress and take her in his comforting proximity.

Faris noticed her and sensed as though he was given water in a severely thirsty state. He had also missed her a lot in those overwhelming ten days. On every meeting day, he used to wait for her but she never came. His eyes became stony while looking at those black bars because he was afraid that if he would close them even for a moment, his sunshine would be gone and he wouldn't be able to know. His ears became wishful to just hear that she was here.

It was her touch, her eyes showing trust for him, and her presence that gave him strength. Faris thought perhaps she had listened to him and to take care of herself, she stayed at home. But anyway, he was happy to see her again. He now realized the pain of love was far better than any happiness.

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