¶chapter sixty three¶

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Ajwa gave Faraan a brief look before she walked ahead. But he quickly turned around and called her.

"Does reading this really give peace to your heart?" He asked, causing Ajwa to stop in her tracks.

She narrowed her eyes at this really unexpected question from him. She then regarded the Holy Book in her hands before shrugging her shoulders.

"Yes. Recitation does calm you down. It brings a solace to your anxious heart. It's far superior to any medicine that ever existed in this world," Ajwa said in a low voice.

A corner of Faraan's lips curled up. "By the way, the way you recited it was beautiful."

Ajwa hugged it near to her chest because it was indeed very precious to her. "It's not at all my intellect. This dikr (Quran) is itself very beautiful so that's why you found my recitation beautiful. If you will recite it, you will also sound very soothing because you are reciting indeed a very beautiful kalam."

"What were you reciting?" Today Faraan's talks were very odd. Ajwa herself never anticipated that she would have this long discussion with Faris's twin brother and that too, on this heavenly topic.

"I was reciting Surah Ar Rahman," Ajwa replied.

"Surah Ar Rahman..." Faraan whispered. It was so comforting that he still felt a calmness all over his heart. "It gave a peace feeling to me."

"Certainly the dikr (Quran) sent by Allah gives you peace," Ajwa started with a faint smile on her lips. "The biggest benefit of Surah Ar Rahman is that it brings you closer to Almighty Allah. It also helps a person to get rid of hypocrisy in their heart and mind."

Ajwa was speaking but Faraan thought she was talking about him. As though she was giving him a solution to all of his problems. He was far away from his Creator. He had hypocrisy and slyness in his whole being. He needed to wash it away.

Ajwa was gone but Faraan didn't move an inch. His mind was unable to comprehend anything. And then to ease himself, he for the first time left for the nearest mosque. He didn't remember the last time he went there. Perhaps when he was very young Faris used to take him there for saying namaz. After that, he became distant from his Lord. He indulged in bad deeds and just kept on placing dirty black spots on his heart, body, and soul. He was known as a very handsome and charismatic guy who was surely the want of every girl out there. But deep within, he now found himself so filthy. Like a deep curse.

Faraan took small steps towards the mosque, all this while his brain ran a film of what he had been doing since he gained senses. As he was walking, he could hear the voice of someone giving a sermon before prayer on the loudspeaker.

As today is Jummah and that's the day the Resurrection will take place, let us remember the Akhirat. How this world is just a temporary place for us and how we have considered this our whole being. We don't care for the hereafter which will be eternal. After that, there will be no death and that's the time, our deeds will decide our fate. Whether it's Hell or Paradise.

As in Surah Al e Imraan Ayat 185, Allah SWT says:

كُلُّ نَفْسٍۢ ذَآئِقَةُ ٱلْمَوْتِ ۗ وَإِنَّمَا تُوَفَّوْنَ أُجُورَكُمْ يَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَـٰمَةِ ۖ فَمَن زُحْزِحَ عَنِ ٱلنَّارِ وَأُدْخِلَ ٱلْجَنَّةَ فَقَدْ فَازَ ۗ وَمَا ٱلْحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنْيَآ إِلَّا مَتَـٰعُ ٱلْغُرُورِ ١٨٥

Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion?

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