13 - Deep Thought

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hey guys! long time no see (i guess lol)

i know i have been active, like at all. i got caught up in a bunch of stuff, school starting back up and whatnot, you know how it is. i wanna be honest and tell you guys that i've missed writing but the main thing holding me back is my lack of motivation to do it. ive had this urge to try and write new fics for different fandoms, but i wasn't sure about it yet. at the same time i dont think returners or resurrection is near finished yet, and honestly i dont think im ready to let go of them yet.

i wanted to at least write something for you guys. and since i dont have much ideas for what to do, this chapter might be a bit short. please enjoy. <3

fair warning, this chapter is a little angsty lol

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This night became a total blur for everyone. Remus, Tonks and Teddy left a little while ago. How long ago exactly? Nobody was sure. Time seemed move at its own pace. As everyone became more and more lost in thought.

   Nobody knew what to expect Harry to tell them. They all had some bits in pieces, some more some less, but nothing could prepare them for what they were told tonight.

The biggest thing for James and Lily was that the prophecy was true. All of it. Their son had brought the end to the most dangerous dark wizard of all time. The war was finally over. There was no need to live in fear anymore. Witches and Wizards of any background no longer had to worry about the thought that any day they might drop dead.

For James and Lily it felt as if the War ended faster than they could blink. But in reality, the war had been over for about two decades. So much time, so many battles, so many people suffering, gone in the blink of an eye. Tons of hard work and dedication was put into bringing it to an end.

They weren't sure how they were feeling. On one hand, they were proud of the unbelievably brave and kind man their son had grown to be. He must be known by witches and wizards of all ages around the Wizarding World. Surviving countless attacks and bring Voldemort down.

He brought down Voldemort...

He stood face to face with the most vile man the Wizarding World had seen in centuries, if not of all time.

He put himself directly in danger in order to protect everyone. He set himself off going who knows where to find who knows what. He experienced things no person should ever go through, see things no one should have to see. And at Hogwarts age no less. When he should have been enjoying his last year of school he was out fighting a war.

It was a terrifying thought. And they weren't around to be there for their own son. They weren't there to watch him grow up, write to him while he was off at school, watch his Quidditch matches, none of it. They felt so guilty. Even everyone around them, even themselves, knew they had done everything in their power and beyond to protect him.

Lily sat on the couch, staring off into her own world. What was next? Now she knew a few bits in pieces of the events that came during her and James's absence. But what else was out there? She barely knows her own son. That was a heartbreaking thing to think about as well.

James could see it in her eyes. Her countenance spoke a thousand words, maybe more. He knew better than to start a conversation. He made his way beside her. Moving closer to the couch and moving to sit by her side.

Lily looked over at him. Their eyes meet. As if nothing else but him could break her away from her own thoughts.

"I know." James whispered. What he knew was between them. He knew how she felt, what the felt, what she was thinking, all of it.

Lily took a breath. Her eyes begin to flood with tears. She laid her head to rest on James's shoulder.

'It's gonna be ok' Lily thought to herself. When things would start to make more sense, she wasn't sure. As long as she had everyone with her for the journey.

"You won't leave me again, will you?" Lily asked James.

"Never. Never in a million years." James told her as he leaned over and held her hands.

"Good to know. I don't think I could go on this journey and get used to any of this without you." Lily told him.

They sat quietly for a while. Enjoying each other's company. Taking in the moment. Appreciating the moment. During their time in hiding when Harry was a baby, and even now, they had learned the real meaning of life. And how important it is to savor every moment.

Suddenly, Lily broke the silence.

"I should talk to my sister." Lily said flatly. She seemed to be thinking out loud.

"Oh no. My wife's gone mad." James cried.

"Oh come off it, James." Lily said as she tapped him gently, "She's my sister. She deserves to know I am alive."

"You're right. It's selfish to hide that from her. But after everything she's done to Harry, to our family, to you." James began, "What if she tries to ask for forgiveness?"

"I haven't thought that far ahead yet. I know that if she does ask I can't forgive her quickly, if at all. That kind of wound will take a while to heal." Lily seemed to drift into a deep thought as she finished explaining.

"I'll see if Harry has anyway to contact her. I'll try to write to her tomorrow." Lily said, "It's just the right thing to do."

James was in awe. One thing he really admired about Lily was her ability to do the right thing, even if it's towards someone who she doesn't want anything to do with and who may not even appreciate her efforts. She just always had the best intentions at heart.

"I love you so much." James said, his eyes practically twinkling at the sight of her.

"I love you too." Lily answered.

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