14 ~ The Next Morning

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hey everyone. sorry for the lack of updates. thats hopefully going to change very soon. i've been feeling pretty inspired recently. i hope you guys enjoy this chapter. :)

(ps sorry if there's a lot of typos. it's kinda late while i'm writing this hahaha)

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   The sun rose once again. It was the start of a new day and the end of quite possibly the longest night of James and Lily's lives.

   James woke up as the light peeking through the window grew brighter. He sat up slowly, rubbed his eyes and glanced down at his wife beside him. He couldn't remember when they eventually went to bed, as last night was a bit of a fog.

   "Lily." James whispered gently. Lily moved just slightly, but still didn't wake. James tried again.

   "Lily." He said a little louder this time. She moved again. Lily stirred.

   "Hm?" She muttered. Lily opened her eyes slightly, looking up for James. Her vision was still a bit blurred as she looked at him.

   "Morning." said James as he smiled down at her. He leaned kissed the top of her head. He wondered how it was possible for someone to be so beautiful when they wake up.

   "G'morning." Lily mumbled with a slight smile. She sat up and began to yawn.

   "Sleep alright?" asked James.

   "Mhm." Lily nodded. "I slept alright."

The two of them got up and began to make their way to see if anyone else was up.

   "Morning Mum. Morning Dad. You're up early." said Harry from the kitchen as he noticed his parents.

   "Good Morning." said Lily as she looked at her son. She saw that he was dressed in his work clothes, "Are you going back to work already?"

   Harry nodded.

   "Unfortunately." Harry sighed. "I wasn't supposed to go back until tomorrow. But Kingsley sent an owl super early this morning. Apparently I am so badly needed at the Ministry that they just couldn't wait one day."

   "But I should be back in a few hours." said Harry, "It's ridiculous. He calls me in a day early and only needs me for a few hours... Oh well. Not much I can do about it."

   "Sorry to hear that. Well we'll be here waiting for you when you get back." James told him.

   Harry smiled. He never thought he'd ever hear that from his parents. It was a really good feeling. Harry hugged his parents tight before getting ready to apparate.

   "Harry. Before you go I need to ask you something." said Lily. Harry looked at her curiously.

  "Yeah? What is it?" Harry asked her.

   "Do you have a way I could contact Petunia?" Lily asked. Harry looked a bit stunned. He was not expecting her to ask  something like that. His Aunt and Uncle were the last thing on his mind. He was honestly a little surprised with himself that he hadn't thought to contact his Aunt about his Mother's return.

   "To be honest I haven't seen Aunt Petunia since Dudley's wedding... And that was years ago. But I can talk to Dudley about getting her in touch with you."

   "That would be great. I just want to let her know i'm okay. Even if she wants nothing to do with me. It- It just seems like the right thing to do." Lily explained.

   "I agree." Harry smiled. Although he hasn't spoken a single word to his aunt and uncle in years. He knew this would be the right thing to do, "Ill talk to Dudley later today and see what I can do."

   "Thank you." said Lily. "I'd really appreciate that."

   "I'll see you both later. I love you." Harry said before waving and apparating away.

   James looked at Lily and hugged her. He could tell she was nervous to talk to her sister. Whether it was in person or in a letter. She seemed so anxious.

   "It's gonna be okay. You know we are all here for you." James comforted her.

   "I know. It's just... I did nothing to her and she just hates me. And I know she deserves to know that I'm here. I- I'm just nervous that she's just not going to care. I..." Lily began to cry.

   "Hey. Hey. We've been oven this before. Remember? If she can't treat you right, then she doesn't deserve your effort. You are doing the right thing. And if she doesn't care. Then you know that your real family will always be there for you." James assured her. Lily wiped her tears and wrapped her arms around James.

  James hated Petunia. He couldn't imagine treating someone like that. Especially Lily. Who is the most amazing woman he has ever met. It's all jealousy. He knows it. But that's still no excuse.

   Suddenly another voice filled the room.

   "Oh. Good morning. I didn't know you two were up."

   Lily and James turned around to see Ginny behind them.

   "Good morning, Ginny." said James, happy to change the subject. He smiled at her. "How are you?"

   "Tired." said Ginny. "But other than that I'm good. Did Harry already leave?"

   "Yeah. Just a few minutes ago." Lily told her.

   Ginny began to make her way over to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass from the cabinet and poured a glass of water.

   "Kingsley couldn't wait one more day could he?" Ginny laughed.

   "Got any plans today?" James asked her.

   "I've got some work to do later. But that's pretty much it." Ginny answered. She took a sip of water, "Why do you ask?"

   "Just wondering what's going on today." James answered.

"By the way." Ginny took another sip of water before speaking again, "How are you two doing? After what happened last night, I mean."

   "Well. It really is a lot to take in. But we're doing okay." said Lily.

It definitely was a lot to digest. But she was so glad that she knows just a little more and she's sure James felt the same way.

   "I know there's still more we don't know. But I'm glad we aren't so in the dark in the more."

   "Oh I'm sure." said Ginny. "Well... If you ever want to know more about what you missed. I'm sure I can help out."

   "Thanks. There's so much to learn. We missed so much. Seeing him go off to school, celebrate his birthdays, Seeing him get married." James said, "But no matter what we are so proud of him."

   "Oh! If that's what you two want to know about." Ginny began to laugh, "I've got some stories you might enjoy."

   James and Lily started to laugh. They were excited to hear all the stories Ginny had to share of their son. Lily smiled to herself. If he was anything like his father, they were definitely in for a treat.

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