2 - The Potters

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Lily gasped and covered her mouth. James froze. All three of them began to tear up.

"Harry?" asked James. His voice was faint. He smiled at his son.

Harry looked down into his hand and drank the antidote.

He dropped the empty vials onto the ground and threw his arms around his parents.

This was real. They were alive and they were holding him tightly.

Lily and James couldn't say a word. Their son. Their baby boy. Was no longer a baby. They missed his entire life. They missed watching him grow up. It was heartbreaking.

They broke apart from the hug after what felt like forever, and Harry looked at his parents. His eyes shining with fresh tears. He smiled at them, and they smiled back.

"How long has it been?" asked Lily. Her voice was shaky.

Harry wiped his eyes and took a deep breath.

"It's been 26 years." Harry sighed.

Lily's heart froze. James held her hand tightly.

Their son was 27 years old. He lives on his own. Maybe he has a girlfriend or a wife, he could have children by now. It was a lot to take in.

James hugged his son tightly. How could he not notice the resemblance earlier? He looked at his son's messy hair, which looked just like his, and his eyes which looked just like Lily's.

But there was something rather odd about their son that had caught both James and Lily's attention.

Harry had a large thin scar etched into his forehead.

It very closely resembled a bolt of lightning. No ordinary scrape could come out leaving a scar like that. It looked magical. It looked dark.

"Here. Let's go. You must be freezing." said Harry wiping his eyes as he held out his hands.

Lily and James grabbed his hands and Harry turned.

Lily and James opened their eyes to see a familiar looking building. Suddenly, a door appeared and James gasped. He knew exactly where they were.

"Grimmauld Place." said James. Harry looked at his father. And then walked up to the door.

The entered the house. The walls were light and there wasn't a single black family object in the entire house. It was cozy. The furniture look like the most comfortable things in the entire world.

There were several pictures on the wall. One of the pictures showed Harry and two others. A tall, redheaded boy to his left and a bushy haired girl to his right.

"Wait here." said Harry as he ran up the stairs. He knocked on one of the doors upstairs and a voiced called back.

"Come in."

Harry opened the door and closed it behind him quietly.

"Hello Harry." said Ginny, sitting on the bed with a baby girl in her arms. Harry walked over and kissed Ginny and rubbed the top of his daughter's tiny hand.

"Lily's having trouble falling asleep." whispered Ginny. Harry smiled and then he sighed.

"Harry? Is everything alright?" Ginny asked him.

"Hm? Oh. Yeah everything's great. It's just- You're not gonna believe me." Harry told her.

Ginny looked confused. She gave him a curious look.

"Gin, my parents are downstairs." said Harry.

"Harry. That's not possible. Are you-"

"I'm 100% sure it's them. I used the Veritaserum that I kept in my bag. Gin, trust me. I checked."

Ginny's eyes were wide. She was completely speechless. She didn't know what to say.

   "Let's go." said Ginny with a smile. Harry left the room and went down the hall. He opened the door at the end and found three boys. His sons James Sirius, Albus Severus and his godson Teddy Lupin.

   "Hey boys. There's someone special downstairs that i'd like you to meet." said Harry. The three boy stood up and followed Harry downstairs.

   "Mum. Dad. This is my wife Ginny, and our daughter Lily Luna." Harry introduced.

   Lily and James stood in shock. Their son was married, and he had a baby.

   Lily's eyes began to water. Harry named his daughter after her.

   "Would you like to hold her?" Ginny asked Lily.

   Ginny walked over to Lily and gently placed Lily Luna in her arms. James looked into his wife's arms. His eyes were glazed with tears as he smiled down at the baby.

   Three boys stood beside Harry and Ginny.

   "These are our sons James Sirius and Albus Severus." Ginny introduced them. James's jaw dropped. Harry named his son after him and Sirius. And another after Snape and Dumbledore. They were shocked at the names.

   They missed so much. It was a lot for them to take in.

   Lily looked at Albus Severus. 'Why would he name his son after Severus?' she thought.

   He too had her eyes. She looked and Harry and back at her grandson.

   Wow. She had grandchildren.

   Then, Lily and James looked at the third boy. Harry noticed their attention change.

   "And this is my godson Teddy Lupin." said Harry.

   Lily and James's eyes widened.

   "Remus has a son?" Lily asked.

   Teddy looked to the ground. James and Lily noticed his expression.

   "Harry? Where are they? Sirius and Remus?" asked James in a worried tone.

   "I'm really sorry, Dad." Harry whispered.

   "No..." James said with a shaky voice.

   "I'm so sorry. Sirius was framed by Peter. I only got to meet them both when I was 13." Harry told them sorrowfully.

   "Sirius died 2 years later, and Remus died in battle. I miss them everyday."

   James and Lily's eyes filled with tears. They were gone. Peter betrayed them, and Sirius and Remus were dead. They didn't know what to do. James began to shake.

Harry moved to his parents and hugged them tightly.

James took a deep breath and looked at his sons family. He felt lucky. For some unknown reason, him and Lily were given another chance at life. He gets to watch his son be a great father and watch his grandchildren grow up. And that was all that mattered right now.

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