7 - Padfoot and Prongs

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Sirius immediately recognized where they were.

"Do you actually live here?" Sirius asked.

"Well I mean, you did leave it to me, so it's pretty much a free house." said Harry, "Don't worry, we got rid of your mother ages ago."

Sirius laughed hearing the word "we" as Harry spoke. Harry wasn't alone anymore.

   As he entered the house, he grew completely speechless. It looked fantastic. It was no where near the state it was in when he had last seen it.

Suddenly, Lily and James entered the room. They froze at the sight of Sirius.

"SIRIUS!" James shouted. Lily slapped his arm.

"Not so loud James!" Lily said sternly.

"Sorry!" said James, "Sirius!" he said quieter this time.

   The two of them ran to each other. Hugging each other tightly. The hug meant more than words. They physically couldn't say anything to describe how they felt.

   "I'm so sorry." Sirius told James and Lily. Lily ran up and hugged Sirius tightly.

   "Don't be ridiculous, Sirius! If anything we should be thanking you." Lily told him.

   "Thanking me?" asked Sirius.

   "Yes. Come on, Sirius you had all the right intentions. You did what you did because you thought it would be what was safest for us. Sirius, that's all that matters." Lily explained and she continued to hug him.

   "It's Pettigrew's fault. That rat!" Sirius shouted. Suddenly Lily and James shushed him again.

"Quiet! Lily just got them to fall asleep!" James told him.

"How'd you manage that." Harry laughed. Sirius looked confused. (Actually. Let me rephrase that.) He was very confused.

"What? Just got who to fall asleep?" Sirius asked.

Suddenly Ginny came down the stairs. Her eyes widened.

"Sirius!" said Ginny as she ran over to Sirius and hugged him. Sirius smiled happily.

"It's so good to see you again!" Ginny told him happily. She was still smiling brightly. Sirius was in a trance. She was so grown up. She looked so much more mature than when he last saw her. It was no wonder why Harry liked her. It was so strange seeing Harry and Ginny like this.

"It's great to see you too!" Sirius said, "I didn't wake you up did I?"

"Oh no. Even if you did I wouldn't mind at all." Ginny told him, "Harry and I haven't slept good in years."

Harry sighed hearing that. Funny as it was, it was 100% true. He probably got less sleep now than he did when he was on the run with Ron and Hermione.

Then again, he preferred having his everyday issues surrounding a cranky kid rather than a dark wizard.

"Besides. You're back! I'd come down here to see you immediately no matter what time it is." she explained.

"Speaking of which. It is pretty late and I am exhausted. Sirius, you have a few choices of where you can sleep. There's the spare bedroom over there, or there's your old room. We kept it exactly same. Let's just say the sticking charms on the posters in there are stronger than the ones that were used on your mum's portrait." Harry told him.

Sirius laughed.

"That's probably the only room in the house I actually kinda, sorta liked." said Sirius with a laugh.

Harry and Ginny waved to everyone and went back upstairs. It had been a very long and exhausting day for everyone. It was already the early hours of the morning. They knew they could continue this reunion in the morning.

"Hurry it up, Potter. You walk too slow." Ginny laughed pushing him up the stairs.

"Watch your mouth. I can still catch a Snitch quicker than you." Harry teased her.

Harry and Ginny laughed as they continued to walk upstairs and head to the room.

James, Lily and Sirius laughed.

"They sure are perfect for each other, aren't they?" said Sirius happily. He smiled at Lily and James. He still couldn't believe the two of them were alive.

   "Yeah, Yeah. Sirius did you hear that?Harry plays Quidditch!" James said excitedly, unintentionally ignoring Sirius's previous statement.

   "Yeah. He actually played Seeker for Gryffindor since his first year." Sirius told them.

   "HE WHAT?!" James asked. Lily slapped his arm.

"James!" said Lily signaling him to be quieter. Sirius looked confused again. But he didn't ask.

   "Yeah. He didn't tell you?" Sirius asked.

   "Well actually. We haven't had much time to talk this week. He's been working overtime because he knew you'd be coming back." Lily told him.

   "He has?" Sirius asked.

   "Yeah. He's planned on working from home this week because he wanted to spend time with us." Lily explained.

   "He really cares about you Sirius. We could tell that he missed you a lot." James told him.

   Sirius smiled. He loved Harry like a son. He was over the moon to know that James and Lily finally get to see how amazing their son really is.

   "Hey, Sirius?" Lily called to get his attention.

   "You seem to know a lot about Harry..." Lily told him.

   "Uh. I know a bit. But I probably know just a little more than you two. Honestly we're in the same boat. I didn't see him too often before I... Well you know." Sirius.

   "But you do know more than we do." said Lily.

   "I suppose... Why? Do you have a question." Sirius asked her.

   "Yeah... It's just- Where did Harry get that scar?" Lily asked.

   Sirius froze. He wasn't sure how to answer this. He wasn't expecting this question. They might just be the only people in the wizarding world who didn't know the story.

   "Well... On the night you guys... died..." Sirius began, "Voldemort tried to get to Harry. Of course you know that much." Sirius struggled to find the right words, "And well. Harry was hit, but it failed."

   "Hit?" asked James.

   "Harry is the only person to ever survive the Killing Curse." Sirius told them.

   James and Lily froze.

   "He survived?" James asked in a stunned tone.

   "Yeah. He did." Sirius answered.

   "So the scar is where it... hit?" Lily asked nervously.

   Sirius nodded slowly. Suddenly, Lily ran to Sirius and hugged him.

   "Thank you." she told him, squeezing him tight.

   Sirius wasn't sure how to feel. He smiled to them.

   "I think its time we go to bed. We will see you in the morning." James told him, "Goodnight, Pads."

   Sirius smiled at the sound of the nickname. It was one he hadn't heard from him in a long time.

   "Night, Prongs" said Sirius.

   James and Sirius laughed. They both began making their ways to their rooms.

   It had been one crazy night, but it was definitely one they would never forget.

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