4 - Just Before You Give Up

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There was no sign of Sirius Black in the Death Chamber that day or the day after that. Not even for the rest of that week. Sure Harry was a little disappointed, but he still had high hopes.

Harry assigned 2 Aurors to survey the Death Chamber at a time. He had them on rotating shifts which continued after Harry had went home.

Harry apparated home after another extremely long and disappointing day.

Everyday that week he came home to see his mum and dad playing with James Sirius, Al, and Teddy while Ginny took care of Lily Luna. It was something truly magical to see. It was all he ever wanted.

He looked at Teddy. Harry was the only one who understood how Teddy feels growing up without parents. Remus and Tonks would have loved their son unconditionally everyday for what should have been the rest of their lives.

Harry had high hopes that one day Remus and Tonks would return too. But he was getting ahead of himself. His parents had just miraculously returned after 26 years. What if maybe it will take just as long for the others?

The others were sure to come back. Harry could feel it. Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Dumbledore... Snape.

How strange would that be, if Snape returned.

Harry shook it off. He didn't want to think too hard about it.

"Hey boys!" said Harry finally putting down his things.

"DADDY!" shouted James Sirius and Al as they ran up to hug him.

"Welcome home, son." said James to Harry. Harry hugged his father and James smiled brightly. Lily stood up and hugged the two of them.

James looked at Harry then he looked down at James Sirius, Al and Teddy. He smiled at them. "They're really good kids, Harry." he told his son proudly.

"However, James Sirius seems to take after his namesakes." Lily laughed.

"AND I AM VERY PROUD OF HIM FOR THAT!" James exclaimed. Harry, James and Lily burst out laughing.

James's smile faded. Harry noticed this and he knew exactly why.

"I'm sorry. There's been no sign of him or Remus." Harry told his dad. Lily hugged James tightly as he rested his head on the top of hers.

Harry felt bad. He wished he could tell him Sirius was back. But he couldn't. Harry knew exactly how he felt. He felt the same way when it came to them, or when Sirius fell through the veil, or during the battle. It's hard. But he wasn't giving up.

Harry went upstairs to find Ginny.

Ginny was working on an article for the Quidditch section of the Daily Prophet when Harry entered the room.

"How was work?" asked Ginny.

Harry sighed.

"Still no sign, huh?" asked Ginny sadly. Ginny stood up and wrapped her arms around Harry, hugging him tightly.

Harry was tall while Ginny was no taller than her mother. As Ginny hugged Harry, her head rested against his chest.

"I'm so sorry, Harry." said Ginny to Harry as she continued to hold him.

"I'm not giving up." Harry told her, "He has to comeback. In fact, All of them will. I just know."

"I'm sure they will. Come on, It's getting late. You should get changed and start to relax. You must be exhausted." Ginny suggested as she broke from the hug.

Harry smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Is Lily asleep?" asked Harry.

"Yeah. She's been asleep for about 20 minutes now." Ginny told him.

Suddenly an owl began to eagerly tap at their window. There was a note in the owls beak.

Harry opened the window and grabbed the note. He read it to himself.


Not long after you left work today, the Aurors you sent to the Department of Mysteries reported Sirius Black to have fallen out from the Veil. He has already been interrogated and he is waiting to be sent to your office.

- Kingsley Shaklebolt

Harry's heart skipped a beat. He smiled brightly.

"Harry? What is it?" Ginny asked him.

"He's back. Sirius is back!" Harry told her excitedly.

Ginny stood up and hugged Harry excitedly.

Harry kissed her happily. First his parents and now Sirius. This was absolutely amazing.

"I'll be back later tonight." Harry told her. He ran downstairs and to his parents.

"It's Sirius. He's back." Harry told them. Lily and James looked at each other with extremely overjoyed expressions.

They hugged Harry tightly and watched as he apparated back to the ministry.

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