5 - Padfoot

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Harry entered the Ministry a little anxiously. It was a different feeling compared to meeting his parents. He had no time to prepare for the emotions he felt seeing his parents. It was like a dream come true. It really was.

But this was completely different. He had reaction time, although that really didn't mean much. Instead, the feeling of anticipation was killing him. It felt like it was eating him from the inside out. He couldn't control his emotions.

Kingsley stood outside of Harry's office.

"We will be bringing him shortly. We wanted to wait until you were here and ready." Kingsley told him.

Was he ready? He didn't feel like it. Then again he wasn't sure when he would be. So it's now or never.

"Thank you, Kingsley. Send him over." Harry told him.

Harry entered his office and looked out the window. This was it.

• • •

Sirius had absolutely no idea what was going on. One minute he was fighting along side Harry and the Order in the Department of Mysteries, and the next he's by himself surrounded by a bunch of Aurors.

He had just been interrogated and was now sitting in an empty room of the ministry when suddenly one of the Aurors walked in.

"We're taking you to see the Head Auror now. He's ready for you." the Auror told him.

Sirius knew he was done for. He was now being taken to see the Head Auror. Sirius was sure a dementors kiss was going to be his fate.

He walked through the ministry with two Aurors standing beside him.

Sirius thought this was a bit strange. For being a highly wanted man, it was a bit weird that he wasn't handcuffed. He could run. But he wasn't going to.

He stood outside the Head Aurors office. He stared and the ground as one of the Aurors knocked on the door.

"Come in!" called a voice from inside. One of the Aurors opened the door but did not follow Sirius inside.

The voice was strangely familiar to Sirius, but he couldn't recognize it. Inside the office was a man who was staring out the window.

The door shut behind Sirius and he and the man were alone. Sirius saw the man exhale deeply. He seemed nervous.

The man turned to look at Sirius and when he did Sirius froze. He looked at the mans eyes.

"Harry?" asked Sirius.

Harry ran around the desk and hugged Sirius tightly.

"Sirius! It is you! I knew you would come back! I knew it!" Harry said through happy tears.

Sirius's eyes began to water as he looked at Harry. Harry looked slightly older. (But that wasn't possible.) He had stubble and he was slightly built. His eyes were the same bright green and the thin lightning bolt scar was still etched onto his forehead.

"I can tell you're confused." said Harry, "They haven't told you anything have they?"

Sirius shook his head.

"Well I guess that leaves it to me to explain then." Harry told him.

"Let's start with something I'm sure you'll be happy to hear." Harry began. Sirius looked him in the eyes.

"Sirius. You are a free man, and you have been since 1996." Harry announced. Sirius smiled as he began to laugh. He couldn't contain his happiness.

Just then, Harry's words sank into his mind.

"Since 1996? Is it not still?" Sirius asked.

"I thought you would have noticed that by now Sirius." Harry laughed.

Harry pushed the nameplate on the front of the desk closer to Sirius. He looked down at it in shock.

Harry James Potter - Head Auror

Why didn't he notice it before! That's why Harry looked older! That's why he was alone in the Department of Mysteries!

How did he not realize this! Harry wouldn't be alone in this office if it wasn't his. Then it hit him, If Harry was the Head Auror, that means more than just one year had passed.

"What year is it?" Sirius asked nervously.

   "Today is 16 September, 2008." Harry told him.

Sirius's heart felt like it stopped. He had been gone for 12 years. He missed so much. In the blink of an eye more than a decade had gone, and he wasn't there for a second of it.

Harry stood up and walked to his Godfather. He hugged him tightly once again.

"I know. It's a lot." Harry comforted him, "There's more you need to hear. Trust me it would be worse if you were to go out there without knowing."

Sirius took a breath. He looked at Harry.

"I knew you'd be back." Harry told him.

"How? There's no spell to awake the dead, Harry. You know that." Sirius asked. If that was true, how was it possible that he was alive right now?

"My parents are alive." Harry told him. Sirius didn't answer. He was speechless. He wasn't sure if he heard right.

"Lily and James are alive?" Sirius asked quietly.

"Yes. They came back about a week ago. Since then I knew you would come back too." Harry told him.

Sirius smiled ear to ear as he began to cry once again. He couldn't believe it.

"Harry. You must be the luckiest man alive right now." Sirius laughed.

"I sure feel like it." Harry laughed as well. He missed his Godfather so much. He was so excited for him to see everyone back home.

"What about the war?" Sirius asked.

"It's over, and it's been over for years. It got bad. The ministry had fallen by 1997."

"And what about Voldemort?" Sirius asked.

"Long gone." Harry smiled.

"How can you be sure?" Sirius asked.

"I spent a whole year on the run with Ron and Hermione to slowly kill him. In fact, I was actually the one to kill him. Just don't tell my parents that. They're not ready to hear that the prophecy was correct. Not just yet." Harry told him with a laugh.

Sirius's jaw practically dropped to the floor. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. It felt like one crazy dream.

"I am so incredibly proud of you right now." Sirius chuckled. To this Harry had the biggest smile he had in a while.

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