Confessions and Trauma (Fred Weasley)

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As the secretary of a real estate agent, it was hard since I had to run errands, and sometimes on rare occasions; I had to meet the clients myself and explain to them the parts of the estate building.

Of course, that was harder when the client you had to meet was the boy that you had been pining after in school and had practically announced it all through the castle. Helga, I still remember it all like yesterday.

"Mr. Weasley" I spoke as I held out my hand for a handshake to each of them "Mr. Weasley"

"Danvers! You're our real estate agent?" George spoke, surprised by my sudden presence. Helga, even after all these years I could still tell them apart. Ignoring the other twin, I focused on George and answered

"Well uh no. I'm the secretary of your assigned real estate agent and whilst Mr. Carols is running a little late, he had sent me ahead of time to just have you aware of the estates we're going to be visiting today"

George nodded understandingly before turning to his brother "Freddie! Look at that, Danvers is the secretary of our real estate agent! What a small world!"

Fred didn't say anything and proceeded to just stare at me with a stoic expression - which was so unlike him.

"Mhm" was all he muttered with a nod. Ignoring the way George's face fell at his response, I turned to him with the organized folder in hand.

"Okay then. Let's go along the estates, shall we?"


"I LOVE YOU FRED WEASLEY!" I shout at the top of my lungs at the Astronomy Tower.

"Helga, you've gone mad" Susan looked at me horrifically as she dragged me by the arm and down to the hall


"You just proclaimed your love for that crazy boy! On the Astronomy tower!"

"Yeah! He said he wanted to know the extent of how deep my affection runs for him, so what better way than to shout it on the Astronomy tower!"

"Helga- Danvers! I'm not telling you that it isn't impossible, but be careful. You're practically setting yourself up for heartbreak"

"If he asked me to what extent my affection ran deep then there was a slight chance of him reciprocating" I explained, bouncing on my feet when I saw Fred and George "Fred!"

He turned to me and looked at me with an amused expression. Helga, his ability to smile in any situation was one reason that made me fall for him.

"Danvers. I heard your proclamation" he simply said

"And?" I waited expectantly

"I appreciate it, but I'm not looking for a relationship right now" He smiled at me sadly. Ignoring the way, George's face scrunched up and looked shocked at his brother's revelation, I turn to the older twin.


"I'm sorry, Danvers," he said with a small smile before walking away from me. Helga this was probably the one time I absolutely detested his smile. The whispers began and from there then on, people have been giving me pitying looks. Helga, did I hate it.


"Mr. Carols!" I greeted my boss as he came through the door

"Sorry for the delay. One of our clients had a last minute change up during the official signing" He apologized as he shook the hands of the Weasley twins.

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