Prized Jewel (Draco Malfoy)

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"What's that?" Greengrass asked me, motioning to the chest on my bed which had a letter with the family crest on it

"I don't know, but I'm not exactly having a good feeling about this" I approach the chest slowly and take the letter

"Open it then! Your family's filled with badgers. Surely, they can't deliver terrible news" she states, taking a seat on her own bed

"A snake in a family of badgers. I totally shouldn't be scared about this" Gathering up the courage, I rip open the letter and start reading its contents.

"Salazar, kill me" They wanted me to marry MacMillan! Don't get me wrong, he's a gentlemen, but he just really didn't get my motor running.

"Why? What's wrong?" I threw the letter to her direction and went on with opening the chest. Merlin, it was even worse. It had a bunch of papers which explained the reason for their actions.

Everyone is aware of the Sacred 28 families, but a level higher than that is the Elite 5. The Archer's, the Magnolia's, the Hasting's, the Gastrell's, and us - the Marigolds. These are families that go way back and have further history in the magical world. Therefore, being in one of these families kind of count as being a royal. I might even say that if we weren't part of the Elite 5 then I'd be shunned by more than a few of my classmates.

"Odd" Greengrass muttered

"I know." I sighed "It's apparently because I'm going to be coming of age and the bloodline has to go on. There's even a whole law and agreement on it by our ancestors on keeping the genes alive" I take some of the document that were filed inside the chest and chuck them to Greengrass

"And I thought being a Greengrass was hard enough" She adds as her eyes went over the whole document "Does it have to be MacMillan?"

"No, but they had thought that I'd go with him. I can find anyone I want... They just have to be a pureblood"

"Well if it makes you feel any better," she hands the documents back to me "Draco just might end up being my brother-in-law; depending on how Astoria impresses Mrs. Malfoy"

"Best of luck to the both of us then"


"Merlin, was MacMillan always this much of an asshole?" I say to Greengrass as we both looked at the man who was a choice as my husband, antagonizing a few first year Ravenclaws

"Yeah, don't you remember the Triwizard Competition? Salazar, the boy was antagonizing every Gryffindor. Not that I'm against it, but merlin even they didn't do anything wrong"

"I thought that was just a phase though" I comment. I had hoped that the boy would outgrow it at the time. I didn't particularly like Gryffindors, but still, MacMillan was being awfully stupid.

"Mooning over a badger, Marigold? I expected better from you" The familiar voice of a certain spoiled Malfoy spoke.

"Oh shut up, Malfoy. Shouldn't you be with little Greengrass?" I turn away from MacMillan to look at Malfoy.

"I am with her" he smirks, motioning over to the elder Greengrass

"Seriously, Malfoy. Shouldn't you be with her?" I repeat

He shrugged before saying, "She got annoying. Woman barely gives me time to myself and practically shows off to everyone that she's my supposed 'fiance'. No offense though older Greengrass"

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