Noticing the Unnoticed (Ernie MacMillan)

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"Hey, Ernie!" I wave at the orange-robed boy

"Blaine! What are you doing here?" he asked. I was on my way to the kitchens to get something for energy. We had an exam coming up and I really needed to ace this test. And that means that I really needed to pull all-nighters, but I sadly don't have the capacity for that, so I'm gonna be stocking up on anything that can get me through the night.

"Just some snacks for the exam" I shrug. He tilted his head a little to the side in confusion "You know our.. Arithmancy... test.." I say, my voice slowly fading as I realize that he never truly did pay attention in Arithmancy

"So... Blaine," He started, my name dripping from his lips in a sickenly sweet way

"Before you say anything," I cut him off "I just need to put it out there that I am not going to let you cheat off of me on the exams" I have seen the boy ask his housemates and a few Gryffindors to let him copy their exam answers and it kind of had some Ravenclaw students commenting about him

He rolled his eyes at me before smiling "I'm not going to have you do that. I am clearly aware of how Ravenclaws are when your knowledge is regarded in it"

I laugh along with him before motioning for him to continue

"What I mean is, would you help me study for this test? When is this test anyway?"

"Ernie MacMillan... are you actually asking me to study with you? Wi-with books? And reading! with numbers!" I say with a mock shocked face

"There's a reason I'm still not kicked out of Hogwarts and that is because despite my fun-loving personality. I still do some studying around here" He laughs, nudging me a little by my shoulders

"Ok ok" I laugh "Let's start tomorrow and the test is in a week" I remind before going to my original route to the kitchen

"Next week?! And you want to start tomorrow! Blimey, you're insane, Blaine" He shouted in the distance, earning a few looks from a few students. It was a few minutes after dinner so the halls weren't exactly empty yet

I laugh for a bit before shouting a reply

"Not insane! Just an average Ravenclaw"


"Ernie!" I snap my fingers in front of the boy's face "Pay attention! There's a reason the majority of Ravenclaw students don't like Arithamncy and it's because of how difficult it can be! Now, pay attention" I warn for the last time with a light slap to his hand with my ruler.

Laughing, he rolls his eyes before looking back down at the paper where I started to write down a few numbers. He really did have to listen. Professor Septima was not the kindest in handing out grades, especially if she had an idea that you were barely trying in her class. Ernie would just flat out get kicked from that class if he messed around any more.

We are halfway down the book when I realize that Ernie isn't even paying attention again. I was about to scold him again when I notice the glaze that seemed to fog over his eyes as he gazed at something. Following his line of sight, I ended up seeing Marigold in my line of sight. I hadn't even noticed that she was there. She was reading the books needed for Arithmancy; I reckon that she's also reviewing for the upcoming exam. Was she what Ernie kept looking at earlier?

"Ernie" I wave my hand at his face, he seemed to wake up from a spell and turned to me with a wide smile on his face "I, um, We're done for tha day" I smile at the boy. He looks at me with wide eyes

"Really? We're done for the day?" He confirrms, still not believing my statement

"Yes, Ernie. We're done for the day. You can go back to your dorm now" I say as I gather my books and other items in my bag.

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