Hidden Reciprocation (Scorpius Malfoy)

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A/n: This was requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva
Thank you for the request and I hope this oneshot is to your liking!<3

Okay, so I'm just going to put it out there on how my schedule for this is quite indeifnite at the moment since I'm still going through a few things and am busy with school. It doesn't mean I won't be posting any longer than a month though. I'll try to as much as possible post within a month if I ever get busy. This is just a warning incase I disappear off the face of the earth again lmao. You'll also notice that the Potter siblings, reader, and Scorpius are all in the same year, so just imagine that they're in the same year.

Ty and I hope you enjoy<3


4th Year

Godric, the one thing I've hated more than tests was being left alone at a crowded area. I woke up a little earlier than I usually did for the sole purpose of me not having to talk or commmunicate with people who weren't my friends. And besides, who knew that there would already be a horrendous amount of witches and wizards at the great hall at this time of the morning.

Making my way to the Gryffindor table, I bypass the other students who tried to get my favor and have me tell dad to give them considerably high scores on Herbology. The subject honestly isn't even that hard. You just have to commit to the lessons, but that seems to be something that other students just can't do.

Settling down at the other end of the Gryffindor table, which was significantly closer to the teacher's table, I wave to my dad and give him a smile, as he does the same to me. I avoid any more students and just focus on my breakfast.

Sometimes, I genuinely wondered why I had ended up in Gryffindor. Both my parents were from Gryffindor in their youth, but I had expected to become a Hufflepuff becase for the life of me, I was just not Gryffindor material! But then dad reminded me that bravery and all that didn't always have to come in the physical form. Sometimes it came in the emotional or mental form and that was what he pointed out to me as my type of bravery.

"Godric, how are you up so early" A groaning Lily spoke as she came into view infront of me, her was still a little disheveled in some parts, making me laugh

"I wanted to avoid the herd of students that usually came through, but as you can see, those students already started piling up before I even got here" I explained as I took a bite out of my pancakes

"Ahh yes. The avoidance of the students who continue to pester you for your dad and you who is too shy to make any motion on it" She teases as she takes a plate and starts filling it

"It's not shy, Lily. It's called kindness and consideration" I pointed out

"Nah, love. I think it's actually called shy" A voice that I have grown to recognize over the years laughed behind me before settling down on the empty space beside mine.

"Good morning , love" He says, smiling at me and suddenly I feel my voice die down into the depths of my throat

Clearing my throat, I greet, "Good morning to you too, Scorp", trying to sound normal but my voice had somehow shifted into a higher pitch than my usual tone. I can now only pray to Merlin that he or Lily didn't notice the change.

Feeling a pair of eyes on me, I look to Lily and see that she was giving me a curious look to which I only waved off

"Where's Albus?" she asked after seeing that there was nothing I would say anymore. Scorpius turned back to the Slytherin table and pointed to where Albus was laying his head.

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