Hiding From the Future Dark Lord (Tom Riddle)

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A/n: I have sort of hit a rock in writing the next oneshots, so the next ones might be a little odd here and there. This one is also about Tom Riddle and it took me quite the time to think of an idea for him since it's not exactly easy to think of a oneshot idea where Voldemort-who-can't-fall-inlove falls inlove.


"Uncle Albus?" I tug on the robes of my uncle as we walked to the headmaster's office. Because of my special gift, I was forced to stay home schooled and instead, be taught by my uncle instead of a school. Now, that I was trained enough and old enough, he had permitted me to study at Hogwarts, where he worked.

He made a noise of acknowledgement as we walked up the stairs with the Gargoyle closing the entrance behind us.

"I'm starting to think I wanna stay home now" Chuckling at my new found reluctance in studying at a school he shook his head and squeezed my shoulder

"You'll be alright. You're a Dumbledore!"

"Albus!" A new voice entered as we walked inside a large office that was filled with portraits "Is this your neice?" At uncle's nod, I stepped forward and went to introduce myself with my head held high, like a Dumbledore should.

"Well I hope that Hogwarts treats you well, dear" The older man smiled at me. He had me sit on a stool and placed a very old, ragged, and run down looking hat on my head. I nearly slipped out of the school when the hat started talking, which had only prompted Headmaster Dippet to laugh at my quirkinesses.

"Gryffindor!" The hat shouted, then almost immediately, the inside of my robes and all over uniform changed to a red and gold color.

"Of course. A true Dumbledore indeed, Albus- " Headmaster Dippet chuckled at my uncle "Ah, Tom, Is that you?" He looked behind my uncle and I.

Turning around, I see the most handsome man I have ever seen. He had dark hair and dark eyes. He looked and reeked of power and confidence - Perhaps too much of power and confidence. If he didn't carry such a dark aura around him, then maybe I'd have been charmed.

"Tom, this is our new transferee. She's a Dumbledore you see" Headmaster Diopet introduced us with excitement. I couldn't help, but flush a little under Mr. Riddle's gaze. He had found me unique and interesting already because of the surname I carried.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Dumbledore" He charmingly smiled at me as he held out a hand

"Likewise, Mr. Riddle" I reach my hand out to touch his when the world suddenly spiraled around me. Everything was going so fast around me an yet so slow. Oh Merlin, I was going to see a glimpse of his future.

I find myself in a manor. a dark manor. It was big and yet so empty - Another image flashed - This time it was of a thousand people wearing dark cloaks - They were practicing dark magic. Then another image flashed, this one terrified me to my bones. It was an image of a snake-like man. He had no hair, no nose, and looked as if he had merged with the serpent! Merlin, this was terrifying to the eye.

"Miss Dumbledore? Are you alright?" I was back at the present. I take in a large breath that was greatly needed and noticed that my hand was still in his. Quickly pulling away, I cleared my throat and nodded

"Yes, Mr. Riddle. I just... lost myself for a moment" I look away from him and to my uncle. He gave me a look. He knew of what had happened and gave me a look that screamed as though he needed to know what I had seen to have me pale so much.

"Well alright then" Headmaster Dippet clapped behind us, pushing our back to the exit of his office "Tom, would you be a gentleman and escort Ms. Dumbledore to the Gryffindor common room?"

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