Summertime Blossoms (Sirius Black)

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A/n: An advanced little post before I officially become busy for exams and practical tasks for school:> I'm just hoping that I finish thing in a jiffy and that the material for these things won't be hard to go over.



"Thank you, Carol. Sorry for the trouble, we just had things coming up" Mum spoke to aunt Carol as uncle Greg helped dad bring my stuff up to Lily's room. Mum and dad pulled me to a hug and kiss before saying their goodbyes, leaving me with the Evans'. They didn't give me reason as to why I had to stay here with mum's sister, but they'd apparently just pick me up a few weeks before my school starts again.

"Is there anything I could get you, dear?" Aunt Carol asked. Shaking my head, I giver her a shy smile

"I think I'll just go to Lily" Nodding, she lets me off and I go up the stairs, passing by a sour-faced Petunia who stood by the door and watched me.  She may be my cousin, but she's one of the ones I really don't like. Since it was found that Lily had inherited some sort of magical blood whilst Petunia didn't, she had been more and more intolerable.

"Lily!" I called once I see her on her bed, smiling giddily at something. Looking up, she sees me before getting up and tackling me in a hug.

"When did you get here?" she asked, grabbing me and sitting me on her bed

"Just now" I shrugged, my eyes drifting to the opened letter. I couldn't read it, but Lily looked extremely giddy whilst she read it "Why were you smiling earlier?" I teased, nudging my head to the letter.

Blushing, she took the letter and folded it back up, hiding it behind her "My friends and boyfriend are coming here to hang out over the summer. They aren't going to be here, but we'll hang around"

"Oh," I thought for a while. Which boy was it. I remember her telling me that two boys liked her "Is it that Potter boy? or the other boy with the 'S' name?" She furrowed for a bit at the mention of the other name and shook her head

"It's Potter - James and his friends. Along with some mutual friends of ours"

"So does this mean I'm going to have to stick with Petunia while they're here?" I ask ' cause I really didn't want to spend my whole summer with Petunia. It would certainly be a waste if I had spend it doing something I don't want to do.

"No! You're going to join us! I'm gonna keep you with me" she laughed "Now, come one. Let's get some unpacking of yours done. Imagine the shock that went through me when dad came through me when hundreds of your bags were placed up here"

"A girl needs her things, Lily" I joke. We both get up and start to unpack. We each open a baggage and place them in the spaces that were reserved for me in Lily's room. I had spent enough summers here that they had eventually made another space for me to have my things in. The only thing left was another bed, but we didn't mind sleeping on the same bed. Not when we have literally done it since we were toddlers.

Deciding to skip out on dinner, Lily and I spent the rest of the night just catching up and talking about all the drama and interesting stuff that has happened in our schools until we had fallen asleep. She had told me of multiple wand duels that had happened in their school while I told her about the girl that had gotten pregnant and birthed the baby herself in the bathroom stall. It was already bad as it is, but then the police had gotten involved since she had apparently flushed the baby down the toilet.

Moving around the bed, I try to hide my head from the sun's glare. Pushing my head in one of the pillows, I throw my hand to the other side of the bed to see if Lily was still sleeping.  My hand landed on a torso,  indicating that Lily, was indeed still asleep. In less than a second, I had started to feel sleepy again. This was what I adored about Lily's room. It was always cold even if the sun was glaring down at us. Dangling on the verge of slumber, I was quickly catapult away from it when whispers were suddenly heard.

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