Animagus in Action (Remus Lupin)

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Another one finished! I'm not sure if you guys see it, but I've connected the James Potter one and this one. I've connected them, but as much as possible tried not to spill their lives into each other. And um small warning here, but reader's kinda indecisive. She has curiousity and suspicions as a Ravenclaw but she also changes her mind quickly. Nevertheless, I hope you guys like it!


"Going on that night trek again?" my dormmate asked me just as I was about to leave he room. Turning to her, I give her a small nod and she understands and lays back down.

This had become a habit of mine. I'd sneak out every once and awhile and just walk around the woods in my animagus form. A red fox.

Reaching the entrance to the Forbidden Forest, I shift into my animagus and start walking to the clearing. I had discovered it during daylight when I wanted some peace and quiet and couldn't achieve that within the castle.

Laying my head on my paws, I soak up the moonlight that was shining on me and letting the wind breathe and swirl around me. Being here truly calmed me. With everything going on with the O.W.L's. It was really rare to find serenity.

Relaxing further, I started drifting off to sleep when I heard a howl and loud padding of footsteps. I carefully cast a quick glance at the moon. It was a full moon, but it couldn't be. No. Werewolves weren't something that were found in these ages.

Raising to my four legs, I carefully started walking around, searching for the source of the noise. Rowena, I probably really shouldn't have, but I did anyways. Besides, it's what we Ravenclaws are. We're curious and that gives us knowledge.

The padding of footsteps now got louder until I heard some other noises as well. It sounded like a scuffle. Like animals were fighting. Peeking over from the tree, I saw an odd bunch. A stag, a dog, a - is that a rat? and a... a werewolf. Merlin was it scary, but then again I really shouldn't judge. Werewolves were people too and it's not their fault that they can't control themselves during this time of the month.

Carefully stepping away to go back to the castle, I slowly start taking small steps backwards. Everything was going well until I stepped on - what felt like - a massive thorn.  A cry came past me before I could even stop it and all the attention went to me. It's really odd how the three animals gave reactions as if they were human.

Maybe they were. Maybe they weren't. But whether or not they were would have to be a matter I'd worry about in another time. For now, I have to get the hell away from here. A growl came from the werewolf, making the three other animals turn to it. I took the chance and dashed off back to the castle. Merlin, this was certainly that'd interest Remus.

Shifting back to my human form, I start walking back to the dorms. I'd probably just tell about the experience to Remus tomorrow. Then we'll both try to piece things together.


"Mandra," I called for the girl. She gave me a confused look but nevertheless approached me "Have you seen Remus and the others?" she only shook her head before leaving for her class. Why wasn't I surprised. The girl mostly kept to herself. Only occasionally talking to me and mostly with Lily.

I was honestly starting to get suspicious. Remus and his friends always had this "thing" every month and they could never tell me what it was. I'm not sure if today is one of those days but him disappearing out of thin air was definitely not a rare thing in our relationship anymore.

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