Chapter 5

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Hailey's POV
The next few days are intense for everyone. We are all caught up in this case as everyone wants to find the person who is responsible for this explosion. I'm scrolling through my phone when Maddie comes downstairs. "Mom? Can I stay home today? I don't really feel like going to the station." Maddie questions. "Are you getting sick sweetie? Come here." I ask concerned. "No not sick, just tired." Maddie says. I feel her forehead. "You don't have a fever. How is your sleep the past few days?" I ask already knowing the answer. Maddie has been triggered by nightmares  lately causing her to sleep badly. She pretends that they aren't there but they do. "I don't know, fine for someone with an concussion and painful shoulder I guess." She says. "Sweetie if something is up you would tell us right?" I ask carefully. "Yeah sure. Look mom, I just don't feel like going to the station, okay? Can I please stay home?" Maddie says now slightly annoyed. "Sure sweetie. But keep your phone on and don't leave the house okay? We will call to check on you." I say. "Are you girls ready to go?" Jay pops his head in the doorway. "Maddie stays home today to catch up on her sleep." I say and grab my stuff. Jay looks concerned at his daughter. "Oh, uhm okay then. Just remember to lock the door behind us and don't leave the house. Oh and keep your phone on so we can reach you." He tells her. "Yeah mom told me that already." Maddie smirks. "Allright, we leave then. Call us if you need anything." I say and give her a kiss. Jay does the same and we leave the house. "She will be fine right?" I ask Jay. "Ofcourse, we call her every few hours and she is responsible. I can call Will if he wants to check on her this afternoon?" He suggests. "That would be nice." I nod. We arrive at the station and we walk up. "Hey no mini halstead today?" Adam comes up. "Nope, she needed her rest so she stayed home for the day." I explain. The team nods in understanding and then Voight comes up. "Allright we arrested a suspect yesterday. Adam and I will interrogate him and I want the rest of you to get evidence this is our guy got it?" He explains. We agree and get to work. Half an hour later I see Jay not focussing on his work and constantly looking at the door. "Babe? What's going on?" I walk towards him. "All I can think about is that man in that room who is possibly responsible for that explosion and the pain he caused to Maddie." He says angrily. "Hey, we are going to find the evidence we need to catch this guy and lock him up for a very long time. We got this Jay, together." I say and look in my husband's eyes. He nods and gives me a kiss. "I am giving Maddie a call. See if she needs something." I say and grab my phone to dial Maddie's number. It rings a few times until she picks up. "Hello?" It sounds groggy on the other side. "Oh sorry baby, did I wake you up?" I question. "Uhh. No. My phone was in the kitchen and I was in the living room so it took me a bit to get it." Maddie says. "Oh okay, do you need anything?" I ask. "No, thanks mom. I think I'm going to sleep for a while." Maddie says. "Okay do that sweetie. Love you baby." I say. "Love you too mom." Maddie hangs up. I walk back to the team where Adam and Voight just returned. "And?" I question. "He didn't seem to be impressed by our evidence. But he is gonna break. I know he does." Adam assures me. I slightly nod and we all get back to work. "How was Maddie?" Jay looks at me. "Tired, she was going to sleep." I tell him. "I'll call Will to check on her in a hour or so." Jay says and he leaves to call his brother. "Guys I have news on that girl Amy." Trudy comes in with a serious face. We all look at her. Please let it be something good.

Maddie's POV
After I hung up on mom I layed back on the couch and just stared to the wall. Every time I close my eyes I see Amy, dust  and I hear people scream and cry. I don't want to sleep because these nightmares keep getting to me. The doorbell rings out of the sudden and I immediately sit up straight. I slowly walk to the door and see a boy my age standing there. Then I see who it is. Jason.. "What do you want?" I call out through the window next to the door. "Maddie please let me in so we can talk." Jason begs. "No! We are done. It's over!" I say with tears in my eyes. "Honey, please.. It was nothing. She doesn't mean anything to me. You are the one I want and need." Jason says. I open the door. "Oh my god, honey you okay? What happened?" Jason eyes widened. "Leave me alone. It's done okay? Now leave before I call my dad." I threaten. "Maddie.." Jason tries. "LEAVE!" I yell and close the door. I get to the kitchen and get myself some juice to drink. I finish my glass when the doorbell rings again. Damn it. I walk to it and open it. "I already told you, go awa— uncle Will?" I say surprised when I see my uncle standing in front of me. "Jee you really look like your dad you know that?" He smirks. "What do you mean? What are you doing here?" I ask when I let him in. "Your dad asked me to go check on you to see how you're doing. So.. how are you doing?" He questions. I look at him. "Fine. How are you?" I question back. "Sore from the contest but hey that's fine. Are you sure you okay?" He says. Why can't I keep anything from family. Like seriously how do people do that? "It's just, I'm constantly scared. What if it happens again? What if we wouldn't have been there to run that contest. What if I never saw Amy? I keep questioning myself and I can't get rid of that. I just don't know what do anymore uncle Will." I look at him with tears in my eyes. "Come here." He says and gives me a bear hug like only uncle Will can. "Do your parents know about this?" He looks at me. I shake my head. "Then step one is to tell them and then find someone who you can trust and talk to." He says. "Like a therapist or something?" I ask. "Yeah, maybe I can get Dr. Charles to talk to you? He might help you?" Uncle Will offers. I slightly nod. I haven't thought about that at all. "I don't know how to tell my parents about it." I give in. "Do you want me to do it?" Uncle Will looks at me. "Would you do that?" I ask hopefully. "Of course. But now try to get some sleep. You look exhausted. I will stay with you until your parents come back, deal?" He stays. We get to the living room and I lay on the couch. Uncle Will covers me with an blanket and then sits next to me. "Thanks Uncle Will." I say to him. "Anytime kid." He smiles and I close my eyes.

Will's POV
I hear the door unlock and seconds later Jay and Hailey walk in. I put my finger over my lips and point at Maddie who is fast asleep. I get up and we walk towards the kitchen. "She finally fell asleep. But I need to tell you guys something. She is struggling with what happened. Keeps questioning herself and it is exhausting her. I offered to talk to Dr. Charles to help her but I need your consent." I say and look at them. "We were talking about that. She thinks we don't know she has nightmares but we do. We also thought about a therapist or something but we wanted her to speak up first." Hailey explains. "I get that. But she doesn't know how to tell you and asked me to do it for her." I say. "Thanks, if you can make an appointment with Dr. Charles, that would be great." Jay says and he gives me a hug. "Sure, I will give him an call right away. I gotta go. Maddie is sleeping on the couch." I say and gather my stuff. "Thanks Will, I let you out." Hailey says and we walk outside. I wave goodbye and get into my car.

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