Chapter 9

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Hailey's POV
"It is most likely that this guy, Andy Flynn, is the one we are looking for. He was at the moment of the bombing at our scene and he was never be found after that. Three weeks ago he bought enough stuff to blow up three buildings like this. It is not crazy to think he might do it again." Voight finishes. "Do we know where he is?" Adam speaks up. "I found his last known address. We could go there?" Kim says. "Yes, let's go." Voight says and we get our things. "Sweetie, stay here. We have to go do a check up but we'll come back soon okay? Trudy is downstairs if you need anything. Don't go out on the streets. We want you inside here." I say to my daughter and give her a kiss. "Okay, be careful!" Maddie says and she continues her movie. We walk outside and get to our cars. "No one goes in until I say so!" Voight calls and we speed off. We arrive at the house and we wait for Voight's sign to come in. "Ruzek, Upton you take the back. Halstead, Burgess the sides. Atwater and I take the front. Go in one minute!" Voight says. I step out of the car and raise my gun. Adam and I walk around the house and take postion. "Now." Voight radios and we start to move. "CHICAGO PD OPEN UP!" Kevin yells and we hear him banging on the door. "ANDY FLYNN CHICAGO PD OPEN UP NOW." Kevin calls out. "Let's get in." Voight radios and me and Adam start to move. We open the back door and walk inside. "KITCHEN CLEAR!" I yell and we move forward. "LIVING ROOM CLEAR!" Kim calls out. "Going up!" Jay says and the team follows. "ANDY STAND STILL." Jay yells and we hear a gunshot. "What the hell man? Who are you?! Get out of my house!" A voice says. "Andy Flynn you are arrested for the bombing. You have the right to remain silent and everything you say can and will be used against you. Do you understand?" Voight says. "Just wait buddy, wait for it." Andy says with a evil smile. "Get him out of here." Voight says and Jay and Kevin handcuff him and get him downstairs. "Good job guys, let's finish this case now." Voight says and we follow him outside. I see Jay putting Andy in the car and walk towards him. "You good?" I ask. "Yeah it was just a warning shot, son of a bitch tried to escape." He answers. I nod and he gives me a kiss. We head back to the station.

I walk upstairs and head to the break room to check on Maddie but she is not there. "Maddie?" I say and look around. I get to the lockers but she isn't there as well. A little panic starts to get to me. "Maddie! Where are you?" I get out of the locker room and bump into Adam. "Whoa are you okay? What is going on?" He asks concerned. "I can't find Maddie." I say. "Okay I'll help find her." He says and we search our floor. Still no sign of Maddie. Shit! We get to the stairs and I see Jay coming up. "Jay! Is Maddie with you?" I ask panicked. "What? No. She was supposed to be in the break room right?" He says confused. "She isn't on our floor. We looked everywhere." Adam says. Jay's face is pure concern now and we head downstairs. "Trudy have you seen Maddie?" I ask the sergeant. "Yeah, she came down because she was bored and tired. I thought the break room down here would be nice as there is a big couch so I send her there and I could keep an eye on her. She is in there." Trudy explains. Oh thank god. I take a deep breath. "Thank you so much Trudy." I say. "Sure no problem. Did you catch the guy?" Trudy asks. "Yes, and now let's hope it's the one." Adam says and keeps talking to her while I follow Jay into the officers break room. Maddie is sleeping on the couch. I check the time. 10.30 pm. Voight pops his head in the corner. "Interrogation starts. You two observe. I'm doing this with Adam." He explains. "But..." Jay starts but Voight cuts him off. "Not negotiable Jay. You are too close on this. Observe." Voight says. "Go, I'll watch her." Trudy comes in. We give Maddie a kiss and leave her with Trudy.

"You know why you're here right?" Adam questions. "You talked about a bombing?" Andy says. "Where were you that day at 13.00 pm?" Adam continues. "Home I guess?" Andy says. "Stop lying. You were at the scene at the moment the bomb did go off. After that you disappeared. Where did you go?" Voight asks. A smile comes across Andy's face. "You don't have proof do you? You are just trying me to confess." He says calmly. "Show him." Voight says. Adam pulls out a tablet with the footage of him at the bombing. Andy's face drops. "Awh, not so confident anymore?" Adam says. "Okay, I want a deal." Andy says. "Why would we give you one? We have footage of you. It seems to me that this is enough to get you behind bars for a very long time. You killed two people, injured twelve people. I would say the rest of your life in prison?" Voight says. "You two have no idea where you got into do you?" Andy says. "Why won't you tell us?" Adam says.  "It isn't just me. There are a few more bombings planned. You can put me in prison but those will still happen whatever happens to me." Andy tells. "Who are you working for?" Voight questions. "I want a deal and I tell you everything." Andy says. "How about you tell us now and we'll see what kind of deal we can give." Adam suggests. "I'm not stupid, first a deal or I won't say a thing anymore." Andy says. I look at Jay who has a pissed look on his face. I grab his hand. "We have him Jay." I say. "I know, but there are more to come." He says. "We'll stop it." I say. Adam and Voight stand up and walk out. "We continue tomorrow morning, we all need our sleep and we need time for a deal." Voight says. "You seriously consider giving this asshole a deal?" Jay says. "I don't want to, believe me Jay but I have too. We need to stop the rest before more people get hurt." Voight says. I nod and we grab our stuff before we walk downstairs again. "Dad? Did you get the guy?" Maddie walks out the officer break room and yawns. "We did sweetie, but we're going home okay?" Jay answers. Maddie nods and I hand her her backpack. She grabs it and leans against Jay. He puts his arm around her and we wait for the rest of the team to come down. Eventually they come down. "Okay listen up. Tomorrow 9 pm back here." Voight announces. We agree and head back home.

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