Chapter 11

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Jay's POV
We waited at the hospital for an hour until Will comes back. "Good news, we removed the bullet and he is doing fine. I expect he will be able to go with you tomorrow." He says. "Okay, I will put a team here overnight and we pick him up first thing in the morning." Voight says and we head back to our cars. I look at my wife who has a confused look on her face. "Are you sure you're doing fine? You don't look fine." I say. "Yeah, it was a weird day. That's all." Hailey answers. "Upton, I need a report about that shooting tonight okay?" Voight says. "Copy, I'll do it right away. Will you pick up Maddie? I make that report and come home as soon as possible." Hailey looks at me. "Yeah sure, see you later." I say and give her a kiss. I get into my car and drive towards the firehouse. "Dad! Hey!" Maddie comes up to me and gives me a hug. "Hey baby, did you have fun?" I ask and hug her back. "Yeah, Matt took me up the roof so we could see some of the Chicago skyline. It was really cool." Maddie says enthusiastically. "That's nice. Go get your stuff." I smile and walk inside. "Hey, did you catch the guy?" Matt comes up to me. "Yeah we did, thanks for picking Maddie up and watching over her." I say and give him a hand. "No problem, anytime. We love her here. She is helping out everyone." Matt smiles. "Yeah she even helped me with my inflapram page." Mouch comes up. "Instagram Mouch. Instagram." Maddie says. "Whatever, I know how it works now." Mouch rolls his eyes and walks off again. "Ready?" I ask Maddie. "Yeah, thanks everyone! See you soon!" Maddie calls out and waves goodbye. "Byee!" The firefighters say and we walk out. "Dad? Where is mom?" Maddie questions. "Oh she needed to do some paperwork so she will be home a little later." I explain. "Oh, okay." Maddie says and we get in the car. "Did you eat already?" I ask looking at the time. 09.00 pm already. "Yes, we had pizza." Maddie says. "Aren't you a lucky kid." I say and ruffle her hair. I start the car and we drive home. Maddie can't stop talking about her day at the firehouse and soccer practices. Her first regionals game is coming up this friday and it's the only thing she keeps talking about the past few weeks.

Hailey's POV
I finished my report an hour ago and started my investigation to the person who texted me. So far I wasn't really getting somewhere as the message and photo was send from a burner phone. It really frustrates me because I want to find this person but I have no luck yet. My phone starts buzzing. Maddie. "Hey honey, how are you?" I say as I open FaceTime. "Hey mom, I'm fine. You?" She asks. "Yeah fine, did you have fun at the firehouse?" I respond. "Yeah it was cool, mom when are you coming home? Dad is nagging against me about this stupid game he wants to see and I want to see a episode from Modern Family!" Maddie says. "I'm not nagging, you are little nugget." Jay protests and starts tickling her. "Noooo, mom come save me!" Maddie calls out giggling. "Allright allright, I'm on my way." I say and end the call. I grab my stuff and head back to my car. My phone rings again and I check it. "Found you." It says and another photo of me pops up me. I look at it and it must be taken just seconds ago as I stand in front of my car on it. "What do you want?" I text back. "You'll see." A text comes up. Ugh. So frustrating this.

Maddie's POV
"Dadd! Stop tickling me!!" I scream out loud and try to escape but dad caught me in his grip and tickles me. We hear the door unlock and I feel dad's grip loosen a bit as he watches mom coming in, so this is my chance. I duck under his arms, jump over the couch and rush towards the door. "MOM help me!" I yell and hide behind her. "Come here, I got you." She says and pushes me behind her. "Well, then we have to do this another way.." Dad comes up and lifts us both up. "Whaaa dad!" I yell and mom and I laugh out loud. "Ready Mads?" Mom looks at me. "Yeah!" I say and at the same time we start to tickle dad so much he almost cries from laughing so hard and begs us to stop. "Can I watch my episode now?" I ask. "Well.." He starts to protests and I tickle him. "Okay okay, stop. You can watch one episode." He finally gives in. "Yess." I say and grab the remote to put the series on. Mom and dad disappear to the kitchen.

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