Chapter 16

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Maddie's POV
"Listen up, We are going to split up now. We're being followed. Blue SUV. Ruzek, Dawson you know what to do." Voight radios. I look scared at Ruzek as he hits the gas and goes full speed to an exit. We pass Voight's car and I look at it hoping to see dad, but I don't have any luck. Voight has blinding windows. "Maddie, I want you to hop in the back seat. Can you do that for me now?" Ruzek looks concerned. "What now? While we're driving?" I ask confused. "Yes, I want to make sure you won't be recognized. Just get in the back and lay down." He says. I unlock my seatbelt and quickly jump in the back. My eye catches a blue SUV following coming after us and I quickly bow my head. "Uncle Ruz! A blue SUV is behind us." I say. "I know, just lay down and hold on tight for me okay?" He says and I grab the backseat tightly. Ruzek takes a turn and I bump my head into the front seat. "Auch." I say and tighten my grip. "Mads? You okay?" Ruzek asks. "Yeah, I am." I say. "Ruzek, he is ten meters behind you." The radio sounds. "Like hell he is." Ruzek whispers and pushes the gas. We speed off and I feel the car gaining maximum level. "Maddie hold on!" Ruzek yells and he takes a sharp turn, speeds off and takes another sharp turn. "He drops out. Good job." The radio sounds again. I slowly sit up and look at Ruzek who is smiling. "That was insane." I say and smile. "Oh well, sometimes you gotta have some fun and smartness while losing someone right?" Ruzek smirks and I laugh. "For sure. Where are we?" I frown as I don't recognize the buildings around us. "Can't tell you sorry. We'll let you know when you're safe." He says. "Oh come on, I won't tell a thing." I beg and put up my puppy eyes. "Ugh no, do not put those eyes up mini Halstead. This time it won't work." He laughs at me. "Stupid." I say and look outside. We arrive at a large building and we drive into the garage underneath it. "Wait." Ruzek says when I want to get out. I sit back and watch how he gets out and inspects the area. Another car comes in and two people get out. I recognize Trudy pretty fast and I'm happy that she is here. Ruzek opens my door and lets me out. "Stay behind me okay?" He looks at me. I nod and follow him. Trudy and a police officer follow us as we walk upstairs. We get to the fourth floor when Ruzek suddenly stops. He knocks on a door three times, waits a second and then knocks two times. The door opens and we look at Voight. "Quick, get in." He says and we get inside the apartment. "Maddie!" Mom and dad come up to me and hug me tight. "Are you okay? Did everything go well?" Dad looks at me from a distance, scanning my body for any injuries. "I'm fine. Uncle Ruz was amazing! He saved us from that SUV." I say to him. "Thanks man." Dad says and hugs Ruzek as well. "Told you I would keep her safe." He smiles. We walk further into the apartment and I look around. It's a pretty standard two bedroom apartment. "So what now?" Mom says and we take place on the couch. "You three stay here at least for the night. There are patrol officers outside in case you need them. Do not leave this building, you got everything you need here. Ruzek, you get to Halstead's house and Dawson you find everything you can about that SUV. Got it?" Voight explains. "Copy, take care guys." Dawson says and he leaves with Ruzek behind him. "I'm going to help them, you stay here. Get some sleep. I'll come back tomorrow." Voight says and leaves as well. I stand up and walk to the windows. "Are we even in Chicago?" I ask my parents. "I don't know sweetie, they can't tell us."  Mom answers and stands next to me. We eat dinner and play boardgames. "When can we go home?" I ask. "As soon it is safe honey." Dad responds. I nod and we continue playing. Eventually I win, but I'm pretty sure my parents are letting me. "Okay, bedtime kiddo." Dad says. "Already? Can't we just play one more game?" I ask hopefully. "It's already late, come on." Mom says. "Finee." I say and give my parents a kiss. "Sleep well sweetie. If anything's up we are in the room next to you." Mom says. I nod and get changed. I can't use my phone so I decide to get into my bed and try to get some sleep.

I wake up by someone knocking on the door. When I look outside I can see it is in the middle of the night as it is super dark. The door from the room next to me opens and someone walks towards the front door. All of the sudden there is a lot of noise. "LEAVE NOW." I hear dad yell.

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