Chapter 13

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Maddie's POV
Next round. We made it next round! I'm so happy that I can't sleep this night. It's so exciting that we are the first team in 18 years to get to the next round. Unbelievable! I'm struggling to find my rest but I have to as I have school tomorrow. Damn it I got to to go to the bathroom now.. I silently get out of my bed and get to the bathroom. When I get back I look outside the window. A shadow behind our fence is grabbing my attention. It looks like a person, strange.. I decide not to think much of it and get back into bed and get some sleep.

The next morning I wake up my buzzing alarm and groan. "Maddie! You snoozed three times already, get up! You need to get to school." Mom opens my door. "Can't I just stay home and sleep?" I ask hopefully. "Are you sick?" Mom frowns. "Well, no but I'm not feeling like going into school?" I say with a slight smile. "Haha, no. Get dressed, I see you downstairs in ten." Mom says and closes the door. I groan but get up and get dressed. I get downstairs and take place next to my dad. "Wow, you look great. Did you have a good night of sleep?" He smirks. "Stop it. I know I look shitty. I haven't slept too well okay?" I say annoyed. "Okay, how come?" Mom says and gives me breakfast. "I don't know, I was so excited that we won that I couldn't get my sleep." I explain. "Hmm okay, you will catch up tonight. I'm sure. Now hurry up you need to get to school." Dad says. I finish my breakfast and grab my stuff. Then I follow my parents to the car and we drive to school. "Allright, we're here. Have a nice day sweetie." Mom says. I lean forward to give both of my parents a kiss. "Bye, be safe!" I say and wave them goodbye.  "Hey Maddie!" Jenna comes up to me. "You look rough." I say when I see her exhausted face. "As if you look as usual. I couldn't sleep all night." Jenna defends herself. "Oh my god same here. I was WAY to excited!" I say. "Yeaah! We're the first team who has done it. Why would we sleep right?" Jenna smiles. "Definitely!" I say. The schoolbell rings and we get inside to our science class. "Goodmorning girls, nice job yesterday." Our teacher tells us. "Thankyou!" We say and take place. The classes are boring and Jenna and I can't stop talking about our game. On lunchbreak we get to our team at the cafeteria and eat our lunches together. "That defense was crazy, and such a bossy b*tch." Megan says. "Tell me about it, I almost punched her in the face when she pushed me." Lola says. "Yeah it was good that that coach pulled her off, or you would have gotten a red card for sure." I say. "Probably, but they started!" Lola defends. "Yeah you're right." I say and finish my bread. "Don't look but there is a super cute guy staring at you." Jenna whispers. "What? Where?" I ask confused. "On you're right. Don't look to obvious." Jenna answers. I pretend to put my lunchbox away and meet the boys eyes. Oh my god, he is cute! "What is his name again?" I ask Jenna. "Uh, I believe it's Scott. He transferred a year ago and is super good at soccer. He is in the boys team." Jenna says. I look again and Scott smiles at me. I feel my cheeks turning red and smile back and then look at Jenna. "Why am I so embarrassing? Ughh." I say and put my eyes down. "You're not, you just like him too." Jenna smiles teasingly. "I do not.." I say but she isn't believing me. Luckily for me the schoolbell rings and we have to get to class again.

Hailey's POV
It's almost the end of our day. We finally finished our case from the bombing and the people who did it are behind bars. Thankfully. "Allright people, see you tomorrow." Voight says and leaves the bullpin. I gather my things and wait for Jay to get ready as well. "You done? Maybe we should grab some Thai food on the way home? Maddie must be starving." I say and look at my husband. "Yeah, let me give her a call to see what she wants." He says and walks off. "So any plans tonight?" Kim walks up to me. "Just a casual family night, you?" I ask. "I guess the same, Mikaela must be home from school right now, so we'll watch a movie or play a game I think." Kim says. "Ah that's nice, have a goodnight." I say and put my coat on when Jay returns. "The usual for her of course. And a number 4 for me." He says. "Okay, I put an order in." I say and grab my phone to order our food. "It's done in 15, let's go." I tell Jay and we head downstairs. We drive by the restaurant and pick up our food and head home after. "Hey mom, hey dad. How was your day?" Maddie comes up to us. "It was fine sweetie, how was yours?" I ask. "Fine, I got an A on my science test!" She says excitedly. "Heyy, that are grades I want to hear. I'm so proud of you honey!" Jay says and gives her a hug. "Thanks dad." Maddie smiles. We grab our food and start to eat.

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