Chapter 7

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Hailey's POV
I wake up in the middle of the night by some strange sound. I sit up straight and slowly get out of bed while I'm listening. "Babe? You good?" Jay says sleepy. "I thought I heard something." I whisper and Jay immediately gets up. "Where?" He whispers back. I put up my shoulders. I look at the window and for a second I think I see someone looking at our house. Loud knocks get on our front door and the doorbell starts ringing. Jay speeds down to open the door. "Mom?!" I hear Maddie yell and I get to her. "What is going on?" She yawns as I enter her room. "I don't know yet sweetie." I say. "Oh my god mom look, there is fire at the neighbors!" Maddies eyes widen. "What?" I walk over to her window. "GIRLS, Girls we gotta get out of the house, there is a big fire at the neighbors. Come on, quickly!" Jay is back upstairs and panic is in his eyes. Maddie jumps out of bed and quickly puts her shoes on. We rush downstairs and get out of our house. Maddie runs ahead and gets to the other side of the street. "Maddie, stay with us please." I say. She walks back to us and grabs my hand. We get to a safe distance where we watch the fire. "Is everyone out?" I ask Jay. "Yeah thankfully. The neighbors are over there with the cops." He answers. Sirenes from the firetrucks sound as they turn to our street. I put my arms arounds Maddie as we watch the familiar faces coming out and start to work on the fire. "Hey are you guys okay?" Herrmann checks in on us. "Yes we are, nobody is in there anymore." I respond. Herrmann nods and gets back to his team. Maddie is leaning towards me and almost falling asleep again. "Jay? Can you call Will to see if we can spend the night over there? I don't think we're getting into our home anytime soon." I suggest. "Uhuh, I'll give him a call right away." He says and walks off. At that moment a part of the house collapsed. "Oh my.." Maddie starts. Chief Boden comes up. "Listen up people. You have to back up and maybe find space to spend the night elsewhere. I expect we are not clearing the scene anytime soon." He calls out. People start to move as Jay comes back. "Let's get to Will's place. He is waiting for us. Stay here, I get the car." He says and walks to Boden to talk to him. I guess Boden agrees 'cause he walks Jay to our house and let him get our car. Jay pulls over at us and I grab a blanket from the trunk. Maddie gets in and I tuck her in a bit so she gets warmer and can sleep. "Thanks mom." She says and closes her eyes. I get in next to Jay as he takes off to Will's house. "That was crazy right?" I say to my husband. "Tell me about it, I'm glad we got out of our house on time. Luckily you woke up." Jay responds. "Yeah, luckily." I admit. It still doesn't feel right I feel like someone was watching our house. Strange but I push my thoughts away. We arrive at Will's house and he probably noticed us as he comes out immediately. I look in the back and see Maddie in a deep sleep. "I'll get her." Jay says as we get out. "Are you guys allright? It is all over the news. Doesn't look that good.." Will comes up to us. "We're good Will, everyone got out on time." I say. "Let's get in, it is freezing out here." Will says. Jay opens the back door and lifts Maddie up. "Get her in guest room, I've made the beds there." Will tells Jay. "Thanks Will for letting us stay here tonight. We really appreciate it." I say. "Yeah of course your family." He responds. "Is Natalie not here?" Jay comes back. "Nope she has a night shift and Owen is at his grandma's so I'm all alone." Will says. We all drink a warm chocolate and then decide to get to bed as since it is very early in the morning.

A few hours later

"Goodmorning babe." Jay gives me a kiss. "Morning." I respond. "I got a call from Severide, there was no damage to our house but our neighbors house is completely crushed." Jay says. "Wauw, that's terrible." I say. I get dressed and we walk towards the kitchen to get breakfast. Will, Natalie and Maddie are making breakfast. "Oh my god guys. I'm so glad you are allright!" Natalie comes up and gives us both a hug. "We're good Nat." I smile. "Here, we made scrambled eggs!" Maddie gives us both a plate. "Since when do you cook?" Jay raises an eyebrow. "Since she has a chef uncle to teach her duh." Will responds and sticks out his tongue. "Yeah right, whatever." Jay rolls his eyes. We all eat breakfast and chat about last nights happenings. "We gotta go, your appointment is in a hour." I warn Maddie. "Oh, I totally forgot about it!" Maddie widens her eyes. "Get your stuff and we'll go." Jay says. Maddie disappears and gets back a few minutes later. "Thanks Will for tonight." Jay says as we make an attempt to leave. "Of course, good luck with your appointment Mads." He crushes her in a bear hug. "Thanks." She mumbles. We say goodbye and go outside. We drive to the hospital and Maddie gets more quiet the closer we get there. "You're going to be fine sweetie. You know Dr. Charles." I assure her. "I know, it is just a bit scary." Maddie says. "I get it. We'll be in the waiting area waiting for you." I say. Jay parks the car and we get out. Dr. Charles is already waiting for us. "Hello Maddie, parents." He smiles. "Hey, thanks for this." Jay shakes his hand. "No problem at all. Maddie shall we get to my room or do you want to take a walk?" Dr. Charles questions. "A walk maybe?" Maddie says. "Sure, let's go." Dr. Charles says. Jay and I sit down in the waiting area. We scroll through our phones to kill the time. An hour later Maddie returns with Dr. Charles. "Take a seat here, I would like to talk to your parents for a sec okay?" He says to her and she sits down. It is clear she cried. "What's up?" Jay questions. "I would like to ask you to not talk with Maddie about our session from today and the upcoming weeks. I want to start a kind of program where I manage her to talk to you and not the other way. So I hope you understand that." Dr. Charles finishes. "Wait, we can't talk about anything from this session on?" I ask. "That's right, in the upcoming weeks I want to push her to talk to you. But in order to do that I need to see her every week. Is that okay?" He responds. "Yes of course. Same time next week?" I ask. Dr. Charles nods and then takes off. "Hey kiddo, ready to go home?" Jay walks over to Maddie. She slightly nods and gets up. I grab her hand and we walk towards our car. We take off and drive home.

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