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"I'll be honest with you. The only reason why I'm still nice is because you buy me food."

Jungkooks rolls his eyes to the side as you basically inhale the dishes and drinks in front of you.

Your class had a quiz on physics today. And although your score wasn't that bad, it still made you feel like crap. It's just that, after giving your all studying the concept and everything that needs to be studied, an average score isn't exactly what you were expecting.

Maybe it's the stress' that's driving you to devour all of these.

Either way, what can food not fix? You feel like eating ice cream later.

You stick a mental note to stop by a convenience store later on.

"Slow down. You're acting as if you haven't eaten in days." Raising a leg up, Jungkook takes the bench like seat across from you.

"Can't blame me now can you? Physic's draining."

You can't help but feel like a bunch of eyes are watching you from the side.

As you continue to scarf down the food with no care in the world, Jungkook stares at you in disgust.

He pulls out a tissue pack from his bag almost aggressively and uses one to wipe the side of your face.

"You don't have to be so rough." You complain with a glare.

"I feel like I'm taking care of a baby. You're disgusting."

"And yet you still buy me food." You tell him with a cheeky grin. "By the way, shouldn't you be with your friends? They keep looking this way."

In a not so subtle manner, you nudge your chin to the side, indicating the table a few feet away.

Jungkook follows your gaze and casually shrugs his shoulders.

"They're fine without me. You should eat. Here." He gives you his sandwich. Something he rarely does.

You give him a suspicious stare. "Are you sick?"


He's being awfully considerate today. Usually, he'd head back to his friends right after handing you a drink or a snack. But he's still here. He's a sucker for chicken sandwich. So you'll never see him giving it to just anyone.

You return his sandwich before reaching for a bottle of water. "You can have it back. I'm stuffed anyway. And besides, don't you have practice later? Energy's important."

Jungkook watches you with those doe eyes of his. If a stare could melt, you'd be already pooling the floor.

After you set the bottle of water down, you raise an eyebrow at him as if to say 'why are you looking at me like that?'.

Then in a monotoned manner, he reaches for a water bottle and uncaps it easily. A could of clicks resonate afterwards.

It takes you a whole ten seconds to realize something.

Your eyes fall on the bottle still between your hand, and then they flicker to the one Jungkook's drinking from.

And would you look at that?

You took Jungkook's water bottle. No wonder it was so easy to uncap it.

"You'll stay over to watch me practice yeah?" He asks, clearing his throat right after.

You casually lean back, letting your fingers leave the bottle like you've been electrocuted. You hope he didn't notice that.

"I don't know." Your dad will return early from work today. And he expects you to go straight home right after school.

He reads you like an open book. "If you're worried about your dad, I can always tell him I told you to stay. No big deal."

"If only it was that easy." You rake your fingers across you hair, suppressing a bitter expression with a chuckle. "Maybe next time."

"Okay then."

The day ends with a snap and now it was time to go home. Jungkook had to stay behind for practice.

You stopped by the convenience store as planning and bought yourself a chocolate flavored ice cream. And instead of going straight home, you decided to stop by the park first.

If you're lucky enough, he'll already be asleep by the time you reach home. You've already had a rough day at school and having trouble at home is the least thing you want right now.

You take a sit in a bench and wait for the sun to completely sink. The distant chirping of birds flying away to call it a night occupies the silent null between minutes.

This is nice. You could stay here forever. Lost between the vast view of nature and people minding their own business, walking by. The sun's already set by now and the sky's sparkling with stars. An hour and a half's already passed and now it's time to face reality.

You eventually reach the front of your doorstep. It's quiet. Too quiet. Dad's home for sure. But why aren't you hearing broken laughters from different voices?

Maybe he's asleep already.

The door creaks as you open it and that's when you pick up something. A voice of a woman. The hallway's dark but the light form the living room's on.

Heart accelerating, you decide to stop by the living room first to check.

The worst idea ever.

You walk in on your dad with another woman and their clothes have been left abandoned on the floor.

Eyes going wide, you cap your mouth before any sound can leave you and quickly walk out the door before they can see you.

The door closes behind you with a bam and it's followed by your father calling your name loudly.

But you don't look back.

Even though it's been a while since your mom passed away, it hurts seeing your dad being with another women.

If he catches you now, there's no saying what he might do to you. So you run to the only place that's a haven to you.

The park.

A black car, one you've never seen before, suddenly stops in front of you and Jungkook steps out from it.

When he sees your face, a stern look befalls his prominent features.

You take a step back, realizing you look like a mess and he's seeing it.

It's as if his presence alone is enough to snap you back to reality.

Fix yourself. Your mind basically screams at you.

And just like that, you quickly wipe the tears streaming down your face and swallow your emotions.

"K-kook." You say, trying to control your voice. "What are you doing here?"

He looks away and opens the door of the passenger seat. "Get in the car."

Sorry, Im An Anti-Romantic | JJKWhere stories live. Discover now