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There was a pattern. A clue.

The teacher who almost molested you was found dead in an alleyway. And that was three days after Jungkook saw what happened.

A senior you had a crush on for weeks was suddenly hospitalized. And that was a few days after Jungkook warned you to stay away from him.

A year ago, a similar incident also happened. And these people either died or were severely injured.

But the final conclusion was still far beyond your reach. What you have right now is nothing but an assumption really.

And you immediately regret saying anything.

Especially since you've got zero evidence that the incidence were caused by him. It could have been just mere coincidence.

At this rate, you'll probably lose the only friend you have.

He abruptly turns the car around, speeding up. Your heart nearly jumps out the cavity of your chest when you realize how close he was to colliding with a motorcycle.

"Are you out of your mind?" He steps on the gas despite the obvious panic in your tone and remains silent.

The plan for the had changed the second he drives into the familiarity of your neighborhood.

In silence, he stops the car right in front of your house. He doesn't say anything. Doesn't even glance at you.

That rigid expression tells you his mad. I'm addition to that, there's this tension that's gnawing at your chest. You step out of the car and watch it drive away.

His reaction makes you wonder if he really did those things to those people. Because if he didn't, wouldn't he have denied it with a look of confusion and offense?

You were hoping to have that normal reaction.

But this' probably for the best. You're already having a hard time juggling family issues and your external life.

Having less of Jungkook circling your orbit's probably for the best. That way, there'll be no more reason to keep secrets from him.

Evening sets in and you enter the store to start your shift.

Your co worker Haneul greets you with a smile. A guy your age with silky brown hair. If you look closely, there's streaks of purple just complimenting his whole figure. "About time you got here."

"Yeah, sorry I'm late."

"It's fine. You sure you can take care of things from here?" He always does this cute head tilt when he asks.

"Of course." With that stated, he shows you a grin and heads to the back to change from his uniform. He emerges after two minutes, looking like a whole different person.

"I'm leaving now." He waves. "See you when I see you."

And just like that, he leaves the store in your hands. For the last five minutes, you've been refilling the snack isle when you notice a customer already waiting in front of the cashier.

You abandon post to attend to him. That'll be ten thousand won sir."

The guy hums, brushing the cap of his hoodie off the reveal a bushy hair. Grey bags can be seen under his eyes and his skin's an odd shade of pale. His lips are thin but dry, blue.

It's like he hasn't had a proper sleep for months.

Then you realize his items all have caffeine in it. He hands you the exact amount and grabs his things, leaving the store. But just as soon as he steps outside, he collapses.

Eyes widening, you quickly run to the unconscious man. "Hey! Sir!"

His skin feels cold, sending a shiver down your spine. He's breathing though. But in the state he's in, it's no different from a dead body.

Your fingers work fast to dial an ambulance. Just as you're about to press the device against your ear, the pale man opens his eyes slightly and shakes his head.

"No....hospital." Faint and exhausted. You can see he's struggling to form a sentence. He groans as he tries to sit himself up, like he didn't just faint a moment ago. Fortunately, he had stopped you right before you could press the call button.

"Do you need me to get anything, sir?" Water. Your mind scream. "Wait here."

Quickly rushing back, you grab a bottle of lukewarm water. But that's not the only thing you take. You add a container of kimchi, salad and yogurt. Anything to add some nutrients into his body.

If he continues to consume caffeine, his health won't get any better. 

He's still there by the time you return. A single eyebrow rises when you hand him a plastic bag.

"What's this for?"

"Just stuffs. I'd take a break from caffeine if I were you."

"What are this?" Clasped between his lean fingers are pills.

"They're too help you sleep." Amusement fills his eyes for the slightest moment. "How much does all of these cost?"

It bothers you that he's taking his situation lightly. Does he know how dangerous that was? Fainting in the middle of nowhere? Vulnerability in the wrong place will lead to serious trouble.

"Instead of money, just get some sleep. You obviously need it."

That being said, you return to the store. And the first thing you do when you reach the register, is to pay for the items.

As all of these takes place, someone had been watching from a distance. Iseul can't stop biting her nails. She glances at her brother and back to the hooded man leaving.

"Isn't that him?" It's barely a whisper. Like she's afraid to be heard. Jungkook rolls the window up and taps on the wheel, eyes narrowed.

Iseul continues to bite her fingers. They're both in a state of disturbance after seeing him.

"If dad finds out, he's not gonna be happy." She says. "What are you gonna do now?"

"What I should have done a long time ago." He stares at the store, catching the familiar figure looming within. "Get Y/n fired."

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