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Mom explained everything. Why she faked her own death. It was because she found out the Jeon's were close to tracking her down.

She said that was the only way to keep you safe. If she was out of the picture, they wouldn't bother her family.

She made sure to cut off all informations connecting you to her.

All those years, Mom kept an eye on you from a distance.

She thought it was better this way.

But she was wrong.

When she found out you were being abused, she regretted it immediately. Her plans to approach you came to a stop when the son of the man hunting her down became one of your close friends.

So she had to push her plan back. However, the longer she delayed, the more your life was in danger. You were kidnapped. Almost killed.

And because of that, she hired Arson to protect you. But the latter was later on captured by Jungkook's men and it was truly a miracle that he was able to escape them. Unfortunately, he wasn't in the bestest of shape.

Your mom had no choice but to give him some time to rest and recover.

After further inspection, your mom found out about Jimin. She a did a background check and was surprised to find out that he went as far as to save you from his father.

After giving him a test, Jimin elevated their suspicions of him. And so, she used him to bring you to her.

You lift your head to look at the latter sitting across you. It started raining outside and mom told him to come in.

He's been listening to her explanation as well, nodding his head every now and then as if the words were directed to him.

"I know this is a lot to take in, sweetheart." She tucks a hair behind your ear. "For leaving you. For everything—I hope you can forgive me."

You shift to connect with your mom's gentle gaze. Without saying anything, you wrap your arms around her and melt into her embrace once more. Tears begin to flood the side of your eyes. "I just can't believe you're here, mom. I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, sweetheart."

It feels so good to be back in her arms. To feel her warmth. But then you remember something. "What about, Dad? Does Aunt Mira know you're still alive?"

Mom brushes her thumb across your cheek to wipe the cascading tear. "The less people know, the better." You nod your head in understanding. "Sweetheart, what do you think about moving to Norway with me?"


"We'll always be on the run if we stay here. Wouldn't it be nice to start a new life with me without having to worry so much? I've been there a couple of times and believe me when I tell you, you'll love that place. So what do you say?"

"What about school?"

"I still have a few things to take care of here but by the time I'm done, you'll be graduating."

In other words, you have two and a half months left.


Iseul is left to wander aimlessly inside the house after her brother took off without her.

To get her revenge, she goes to his office and messes with his gun collections enclosed safely behind a glass cabinet.

Now that she's here, they're not so safe anymore.

She then proceeds to switch the items and the labels. Saddam Hussein exchanged with Adolf Hitler. Dawood Ibrahim with John Wesley Hardin and so on.

"That'll teach you to ditch me you jerk."

Satisfied, she locks the cabinet and tosses the key inside the bin.

Of course he'll be mad but being his only sister, he'll have no choice but to forgive her.

"Now let's see. What else?" She starts pulling drawers from his office table but then causing a box of medicine to fall to the floor.

She picks it up, noticing it was almost empty. Automatically, her eyes scan the label. "Clomiphene citrate." It read.

After doing a quick google search, the results causes her to widen her eyes. "What the hell."

She hears the front door open and Iseul quickly shoves the box into her pocket as she runs out off the office.

"Y/n!" She runs to you. "Where have you been? Why didn't you bring your phone? Do you know how worried Jungkook was when he couldn't find you? He literally has people looking for you—"

"I'm fine." You chuckle tiredly, amused. "I should probably call him right?"

She stares in confusion. Maybe because you're acting so light. Usually you're always preserved, stressed and careful. Right now, it's as if you don't have any problems.

An hour goes by and the front door swings open. Heavy footsteps echoes through the hallway and they enter the living room where you and Iseul are enjoying a comedy movie.

Just when it was getting to the funny part, Jungkook grabs the remote and switches it off.

"Hey!" Iseul shouts. "We were watching that—"

Jungkook grabs your arm and drags you to the other room, locking it. He forces you to sit on the bed and begins pacing in front of you.

You hiss at the painful sensation encompassing your skin.

"Be honest with me. Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"Of course not." Yeap. That's definitely gonna bruise.

"Then why do you keep putting yourself out there uh?! What if something happened to you?"

Here we go again with this conversation. You grind your teeth. You're getting tired of this.

"But nothing happened." You say under your breath. "I'm fine. I'm not hurt. And for the hundredth time, I can take care of mysel-"

"Can you really?" A dark tone laces his voice. You can almost feel a chill run down your spine and stare into his eyes.


"No, you can't." He comes closer and towers over you. "So until everyone who wants you dead is gone, don't give me any reasons to lock you up here. And believe me. Even if you end up hating me, I wouldn't care less."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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