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A sloppy mistake made by you when you accidentally drop a customer's order.

Quickly apologizing for the sudden turn of event, you hastily work to clear up the mess.

What exactly was going through your head just now?

Maybe it's the fact that you heard his name being called. Taehyung. At that moment, your mind drifted to your long lost best friend.

But then you quickly reminded yourself that he can't be the only one who possesses that name.

There's got to be at least hundreds- or even thousands of Taehyungs out there.

He can't be that Taehyung.

"I apologize again on behalf of my staff, good sir. I'll make sure nothing like this ever happens again."

"Really. It's no problem at all. But do I still get my breakfast?"

"But of course. As a matter of fact, we'll give you a refund. A moment please." Right before the manager leaves to get his money back, they send you a warning stare.

One that makes you fear you might lose your job.

But if that happens, then it happens. It won't be your first time getting fired after all.

The manager simply tells you to deliver his food and apologize one last time if you don't want to lose your job.

And that's exactly what you do. Now your standing in front of their table with an apologetic now.

"You know. If you're really sorry, you could always buy me a drink?" The guy who isn't Taehyung casually shrugs his shoulders as he suggests the idea. This one has a rather playful aura surrounded them.

"Hyung." The Taehyung guy says slowly. As if telling him to watch his words. A tap on your shoulder coaxes you to meet his eyes. And they're alluring. Especially that soft smile on his lips. "Don't mind him. And like I said. It's fine. Accidents happen."

You'll take that as a affirmative sign that you won't lose your job at the moment. With one last bow, you return to your post behind the cashier.

What's strange however, is the fact that throughout your working hours, it almost feels like you're being watch.

Afternoon settles in and now it was someone's turn to take over the shop. After changing out from your uniform, you grab a bus for your next work.

By the time you arrive at the convenience store, Yoongi's standing beside the entrance. And it appears as though he's waiting for someone. The moment those soulless eyes meet yours, you could have sworn there was a spark.

"Hey." He casually calls out with a head nod. "You're here early."

"And... you're here." Since he's basically blocking the way, you take a side step to enter past the doors. He follows suit, casually looking around.

"Yeah. I need to talk to you about something."

"Just a minute." Excusing yourself to change into your uniform, you emerge five minutes later and begin your shift. Yoongi sticks beside you like a leech as you start unpacking a couple of bagged chips, placing them in their perspective shelves.

"As I was saying. It's about Jungkook."

"What about him?"

It takes a minute for him to open his mouth to say. "I think it's for the best if you put some distance between you two."

Picking up the empty box, you turn and meet his gaze. "And why would I do that?"

"Because you don't know him as much as I do."

"Right. Listen. Now's not really the time for me to be talking. I've got work to do." You're hoping he gets that subtle message of you telling him to leave. "So. If you're gonna buy something, then buy it."

You discard the box inside a room and stride behind the cashier. Minutes later, Yoongi shows up with his usual items and you ring them up for him.

All the while, he's giving you chills with that cold stare of his. He retrieves his things but right before he can leave, he tells you : "You'll only end up getting hurt if you stay by his side." He wiggles the plastic bag beside his face, giving you a soft smile. "Thanks."

With that said, Yoongi leaves the store and disappears into darkness. As much as it pains you to admit, you're curious.

You brush your fingers across your hair, lost in thought. Is it bad that you want to quench your thirst of curiosity?

Then again. Maybe you should just take his advice. You've already seen evidence of how dangerous Jungkook can be.

And little by little, aspects of his other side's leaking entering your friendship. Sometimes, it doesn't feel like you're even talking to the Jungkook you once knew.

You want to avoid complicating things.


Tonight's the night.

The room's vast and mellow. Men in suit and women in fancy gowns mingle all around. Others walk around with eyes, concealed by a mask. While the rest? They'd rather show of their features to the world.

Aunt Mira slides a comforting palm against your back, feeling the tension coming from you. She sends you an assuring smile. "It's okay, sweetheart. Just stick by my side and we'll be out of here in no time." You'll take her word for that.

She leans in to whisper in your ear. "You look gorgeous in the red dress, sweetheart."

You know this is her way of distracting you. It worked. But only for a few seconds.

Appetizers and wines are handed out by fancy waiters. A live band lulls the air with its gentle melody. As your aunt drags a rather serious conversation with two masked gentlemen, you excuse yourself to use the restroom.

After asking for directions, you do your business and proceed back to the hall that leads to the gathering.

At the same time, you work to fix your mask back into place.

"Need a little help there?"

A deep voice utters within the empty hall. You turn to find someone in a black suit, their whole face hovered by a mask the shade of the night. He comes closer and offers a hand.

Hesitation creeps up from the depths of your stomach. It's also unfair that your face is bare while he's covering his.

After a moment of deliberation, you hand him your mask and turn your back for him to secure it in place.

He gently settles the mask in front of your eyes, and begins to secure the string into a firm knot. At the same time, chills slither down your spine like a snake every time he breaths. He's so close you can feel the air brushing your exposed skin.

"You look nice in your dress, Y/n. But I'll have to admit." He leans closer, grazing your ear as he whispers. "I'm a little jealous they get to see you in it."

You're left speechless and confused.

And by the time it sinks in that he called your name, he's nowhere to be found.

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