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You glance at the direction of the voice and nearly flinch at the sight of two tall men. One was already giving you a dimpled smile while the other had their gaze planted elsewhere.

"Holy crap." They hold their gazes and so do you, seconds before you're walking towards them. Arms wrap around your body and the vibration of his chuckles echoes your ears.

The familiar warmth that surrounds you almost makes you wanna cry. It's been so long since you've last seen them. "What are you guys doing here?" You pull back and acknowledge the other guy. "Jin."

The one standing at the side takes his gaze away from Jungkook and smiles at you. Like he wasn't giving your friend a taunting glare just a few seconds ago. "Hey there little bean. No hug for me? I get that you like Joonie more but I have feelings too you know."

With a grin, he opens welcoming arms. He used to had black hair before. But now his hair's a golden blond that shines underneath the sun. Namjoon on the other hand is sporting brown hair. Jin hums In satisfaction when he gets the hug he wanted.

"You've grown since the last time we saw you. Right Jin hyung?"

"She sure has. And uglier."


"Im joking." Chuckles the blond, tucking a hair behind your ear. "If you were really ugly then what would that mean for me? Anyway. What brings you to Jeju? Didn't take you as the type to travel." He glances at Jungkook.

"Oh I'm just here with a friend."

"You mean that guy. So what? You don't plan to introduce us to your friend?"

"Oh right." You gesture him over. "So this is Jungkook. Jungkook, these are my cousins, Jin and Namjoon."

Jin takes his hand out and Jungkook presses his against it.

"Nice to meet you, Jungkook."


Like two businessmen, they exchange handshakes. Jin eyes you, hands still clasped together. "So where's the rest?"

"The rest?"

"Yeah. The rest of your friends. Don't tell me it's just the two of you."

This time you notice the smile fade from Namjoon. But he forces one on the moment you look at him.


Namjoon intercepts easily, tapping Jin on the shoulder. "Hey, they've probably already landed by now. We really need to get going."

He tells Jin after checking his watch. You can see a hint of concern reflected from the eyes of the brown haired guy. Jin reluctantly takes his hand back and shows it to you like he's asking for something.


You give it to him.

"We're meeting up with some sponsors today and it'll probably take an hour or two. I'll call you when we get back. Pick up okay?" He hands you back the phone and turns to Namjoon. Said guy is still forcing a smile. But he's having a hard time keeping it up whenever he looks at Jungkook.

"Don't do anything crazy okay?" Jin may be smiling but behind that expression lies a terrifying message. "Let's go Joonie."

You feel a presence behind you. "You never told me you were related to the Kims."

It's no secret that the said people own one of the most successful business to ever exist in Korea. And the fact that they're walking around without any cameras flashing left and right is a rare sight.

Sorry, Im An Anti-Romantic | JJKWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt