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Shin Taemee could be anyone. Jungkook kept that in mind. Your mother wasn't the only existing person with that name. She couldn't be the person his father was looking for.

Since she's dead.

Iseul returned home around midnight. She stops by her brother's room first only to find it empty. As she strides through the hallway, a distant voice could be heard coming from the main office.

Jungkook was on the phone, pacing around. A name slips from his lips causing Iseul to frown.

But she knew better than to interrupt him.

So without making a sound, she walks away and enters her room.

The Following Morning

You didn't get a good sleep last night.

Sunlight feels like needles, sounds hurt your ears and school's gripping you by the throat.

Fingers subconsciously glide across your neck,  and you bite your bottom lips to suppress a hiss.

There's a nasty bruise sitting there. And it hurts like hell.

You make it to class only to be stopped. An arm's stretched out. Cherry perfume enters your lungs and you're inclined to look at whoever blocked you.

The owner of the hand smiles cynically. "You're Y/n?"

At the sight of her face, her name echoes your mind. "And you're Kira."

A flash of amusement beams her face. "So you know me. Then I supposed you know what I'm about to say next?"

The question's asked in order to spite you. The fact that she's dragging each word in a mocking manner leaves you to assume she's not gonna ask for something nice.

"No. Not really."

"I don't wanna waste your time so I'll make this simple then, okay? You need to stay away from Jungkook. I don't care if you're friends or not, but as his girlfriend, I'm asking you to stop hanging around him."

He'll leave her too. That's the only thing he's good at.

"Yeah whatever."

"I'm serious, Y/n. If I ever see you near him, I swear to god I will not hesitate to hurt you."

That obsession could go a long way if you're not being careful. Chances are, Kira isn't bluffing. She'll stick to her words.

Because in this world, crazy exists.

You enter class and Kira leaves. Iseul's seat is empty, devoid of life.

You dump your bag at the side, taking your seat. At that exact moment, the door swings open only to get shut with a loud bang. Everyone inside flinches before turning their gaze to the student keeping the door shut.

A group of four crowds the hall, demanding the one holding the door to open it.

"Come on guys! It was a joke!"

You think you've seen that face before. During detention. Iseul had stood up to confront someone. And then it clicks.

That's Jimin.

"I said it was a freaking joke!" He's unable to keep them out. One second he's on the floor and then next, he's dragged away by the group. It's followed by a crash.

Like a body's been thrown against a locker.

Curiosity floods the witnesses' veins and they rush out to see what's happening. You watch them push through bodies of students just to get to the scene.

Voices arise from the hall. Probably attracting students from other sections as well.

But before any serious trouble could arise, a teacher exiles everyone to their perceptive classrooms.

"I need you to do something for me." You'd be lying if you said that voice didn't scare you.

He came out of nowhere. Ignoring the pacing of your heart,  you hold gazes with Jungkook.

"And that would be?"

"I need a picture of your mom."

That was unexpected. "Why?"

A moment of silence lingers the air. His pupils dilates, seconds before he looks away. "Never mind. Just forget I said anything."

In all honesty, you have one with you right now. But the fact that he's acting this way, leaves you swelling with suspiciousness.

"What's that on your neck?" He's about to stand from his seat to inspect it when you pull him down, forcing his body to sit.

Maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Because instead of his seat, he loses balance and collapses on the ground.


Eyes land on him but he's fast to recover. After returning to his seat, a strong eyebrow lifts. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I didn't mean to-"

"What's that on your neck?" He asks again with a barely calm tone.

It's a bruise you got from your father but of course you won't tell him that.

Running your fingers through your hair, you gradually allow it to flow over the discolored skin. "It's nothing."

"If it's nothing, then why won't you let me look at it?"

You let out a sigh. There are times when you can tolerate him and times when you just can't. Right now, it's the latter. Your morning started with Kira. You don't want it to end with him annoying you.

Even if he already has.

"Because I don't want to. If I say it's nothing, then it's nothing. So don't push it."

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