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Rather than composed, your feet won't stop jittering. For the longest time, you've disregarded the ear-piercing ringtone that's coming from your phone. So you put it on silent mode.

Jimin maneuvers the car towards the opposite direction, stopping under a red light. He takes his time pondering how to slice the silence in half, tapping on the wheel delicately with a lean finger. You're pretty much occupied with the view. But every now and then, your phone lights up and reveals a caller.

"Listen. I know it isn't my place to pry, but care to explain why you're ditching the guy?"

"Im not exactly ditching him. Im just going home early. That's all."

"Right. So if I end up on the street beaten up badly, you wouldn't mind me pinning the blame on you right?"

Your shoulders tense as you glance at him. He reads your expression and chuckles softly. "Relax. I'm just messing with you. There's no way on earth I'd let that Jungkook beat me up."

"It's not funny."

"And yet here we are." He adds on. "You got me involved and you know I'm not one to back down from a fight."

You can't help but think if this was a good idea. Why did you have to bring Jimin into your little problem?

You're taking the long, scary route.

However, out of all people, you're relieved it's Jimin.

It doesn't take long before you reach the airport. Fragrance diffusers that had been strategically placed across the airport interiors attacks your lungs the second you step foot inside.

Jimin doesn't leave your side and he gestures you towards the check in counter. Luckily, you were able to book a flight online while you were on your way here.

After going through the proper procedures, you both stride to the waiting area to wait for your flight back to Busan.

There isn't a lot of passengers present at the moment.

"Are you hungry? We can grab something to eat while we wait. I'll be right back." He leaves before you can say anything else. In his once occupied seat, Jimin left behind a black carrying case. It's one of those cases that requires a code in order to open it.

If there's a lock on that, then there's got to be something precious inside.

Curiosity bubbles your veins but you know better than to let your gaze linger on the item. Knowing what he does behind closed doors and all.

So you lean back and take your phone, immediately feeling your spirit escape your body upon seeing the multiple missed calls. There's a bunch of messages too. And the latest one manages to bring chills down your spine.

You've got a lot of explaining to do. Just you wait.

Was this a good idea? You tell yourself it is. God knows how long he planned to keep you here. You blank out for a moment, staring into space.

Tomorrow's problem shouldn't be today's problem. You'll deal with it one at a time. So in the meantime, embrace what's happening and allow your worries to fade away.

I mean. This is what you wanted. Coming to Jeju was never in your plan. You were forced. And now you're just going back home. Where you should have been from the start.

"I hope you like shwarma. I got you one without cheese because I remember you don't like them." It's Jimin's voice that snaps you back to reality. "Here. Have a bite. They're really good."

"Thanks." Since everything happened so fast, Jimin agreed to lend you some money for the ticket. You promise to pay him back as soon as you acquire the money.

Sorry, Im An Anti-Romantic | JJKWhere stories live. Discover now