Chapter- 7

35 8 16

Nyra Pov

I entered into the Rathode Mansion completing the rituals, the remaining rituals are not held as the time was pretty late now .

I was entering to my room. When vihaan stopped me " Where are you going bhabhi ".

" I am tired and I am gonna sleep bubloo " .

" I know but why this room "

" What's the matter with you. This is my room. I have been staying in this room from being a baby till now whenever I visit you guys. Did you have amnesia you are forgetting things bubloo "

" No bhabhi, You are the one who have amnesia. You are my bhabhi now which means you are my brother's wife and you should have known that you should stay in his room ".

" No, I won't "

" I hate you I am gonna say this to mumma " . Saying this he ran searching nihu ma. That's why I introduced him as mumma's boy.

I entered my room. Nothing is changed . I have stopped staying here few years ago. But still everything remains the same.

I moved towards the side table. The picture is still here. It has our picture. We all look happy together.

She is there too.God why I am missing her so much today. The first day when I met here I wanna go back to those days.


"Ansh, I am going to library as always you practice basketball I will meet you there later"

I went to the library and was searching for a book to read. I love reading mystery, suspense, criminal thriller genre of books.

Suddenly " And then there were none" got my eyes reading it one more time doesn't give any harm to me.

I was going to grab the book but suddenly someone snatched it away.

I looked up to see a beautiful girl standing there. She smiled and she stretched her hand and gave me the book.

"Hi, I am Ivika "

"Hey , You can have the book I have already read them "

" It's ok. I am more into romance than thriller ".

" I am completely inverse"

She smiled. " Are you new here? " I asked

" Yeah, Just shifted a couple of days ago " .

" I am Nyra, a weirdo "she chuckled.

" I am heading to basketball court. My son is waiting there for me. If you want you can join me "

" Your son - really? "

"Kind of, my best friend "

At basketball court,

" Ansh " I called out.

" In a minute " He responded.

" You are earlier today " He asked putting his arm around my shoulder.

" Well I find a new partner today" I said smiling at ivika.

" Who "

" She " I pointed.

" Hii baby " He said with a wink.

" I am not your girlfriend mister" .

" Ansh stop it. She is Ivika, a new comer "

" Hey ,I was just kidding. I am ansh. "

" Ivi, You said you love romance books right. Ansh mom has a lot of romance collections. Why don't you join us today "

" I love to but I can't, may be some other day " She said with a sad smile.

" Okay bye , See you next time " Ansh said while dragging me with him.

I smiled and wished her bye.

" Aah Ansh move on, You are sweating " .

" Really "

" Yeah" I said pushing him.

" Then take this " He said and hugged me.

" Yuck, why are you doing this. I have to bath again " .

" Are you bathing daily. I thought you won't " He said and laughed alone. I gave a glare to him and he stopped.

" I think she is a good girl. She can be friends with us, right? " I asked him with a hope.

" Why, You have me which is enough for you "

" Man you sound so selfish "

" Totally I am "

" I never care about your opinion and she is gonna be our friend " I said. ____________&___________&____________

At Present,

I can feel little drops of tear falling over my cheeks.

" Nyra , what are you doing here dear. Your bubloo is all over the way complaining to me" Nihu ma told.

" Nothing ma. I didn't visit my room for years and was thinking of spending her a few days ".

" Are you crying "

" No ma"

She saw the frame in my hand and grabbed it.

" I know you value your present more than your past and that's how it should be. Never think of her or the past " .

" I am not ma . I was missing her today and I can't stop it ".

" Listen beta " She cupped my cheeks in her hands " I already lost my ansh and I have only a little bit of you please don't try to live in your past . I hope you understand ".

" Yeah ma. I try to"

" Bubloo is right nyra. You should stay with ansh and not here. "

" I can't ma. I need few days he will never accept me atleast I should have the courage to tolerate him. I will stay her some days till I am sure I can move on " .

" But nyra "

" Please ma ".

" Okay but move in there as soon as possible " .

" What how can you say okay " Bubloo dashed into the room.

" She wants to vihaan ".

" Behave like a sasu ma and ask her to move in now " .

" Don't be a granny bubloo. Go and sleep its late now. Every child should have a proper sleep. Now be a good boy and sleep ".

" Youuuuuuu....... "

" Meeeeeeee....... "

Nihu Ma laughed at it and asked him to stop his nonsense. He angrily left the room but he is full of cuteness.

" Good night Nyra. Sleep well "She said and left with a forehead kiss.

Hey sunshines, How are you all? 😁

I hope everyone is fine. 😊

Sorry for the late update. 🙃

I will try to update sooner from now on😜

Atlast Ivika is on the play 🧊🤩

Tell me how is the chapter .🧐

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With love

- ishqichahar👀🤷‍♀️🚶‍♀️

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