6-Alpha Tobias

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[Alpha Tobias up top]
Kinuka's POV

I whined before proceeding "I-I'm mated to the Alpha and Ashley is mated to the third-in-command"
Minutes after our link ended Vincent had asked me why I whimpered to which I didn't answer, not out of disrespect but because there was so much going on n my mind. He growled a bit which lead to Ashley telling him to stop and then everyone went quiet.

15 minutes later we pulled up to the pack house that I've been calling home for the last 5 years.

15 minutes later we pulled up to the pack house that I've been calling home for the last 5 years

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As soon as we got out the first thing I saw was Alpha Tobias. Now don't get me wrong he loves his entire pack, but ever since I came here he's treated me like his daughter. He's only 56 so i'm young enough to be his daughter, something he always points out. He even put my bedroom on the alpha floor.

"Welcome Back Kinuka!" He spoke opening his arms for a hug
While he may be an Alpha and a little scary, he's a big teddy bear. He came up with the theory that faeries give the best hugs
I rushed out the car and ran up to hug him
"Hi Tobi!" I squealed pushing my face into his chest

Two seconds later I heard a loud growl and felt myself being ripped away from Tobi
"MINE!" I heard a deep voice growl. Only to look up and see that it was Vincent, but his eyes weren't a beautiful shade of light blue anymore, they were a deep stormy blue

"So you really are mated to an Alpha, Alpha Vincent no less" spoke Tobias a few feet away
"Y-yeah, but why is he so angry?" I questioned about to cry
"Calm down Kinuka it's okay, his wolf didn't like seeing another male touch you" he spoke looking at me with worry
"B-but you're my Alpha you wouldn't hurt me" I whinned
"I know that but his wolf doesn't" he responded
"W-what do I do?"
"You need to calm him down, try talking to him or give him a hug" he spoke reassuringly

I pondered over it in my mind before speaking
"Uhm V-vincent? Can you calm down Tobi won't hurt me. He's really nice and protects me. Please don't fight him" I spoke almost about to cry

He looked down at me for a second before his eyes brightened to their normal color. His arms slightly loosened before he spoke
"I'm sorry about my wolf little mate, he wasn't too fond of seeing you run off to another male." he apologized looking me directly in my eyes

"Oh uhm, it-it's okay but please remember that Alpha Tobias is like a dad to me. He's never done me any harm"
Sigh "Alpha Tobias, i'm sorry for the way my wolf acted, I should've kept better control of him"
"Don't worry I completely understand, I was the same way once"
Tobias paused before speaking once more
"Why don't we take this meeting to my office where we can speak privately"
To which Vincent nodded
While we were walking into the house Vincent made sure to keep a firm grip on my hand. Not in an aggressive way but like he's trying to make sure i'm real and safe.

Once we made it into his office I had tried to sit down but Vincent had other ideas, instead i ended up sitting in his lap instead

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Once we made it into his office I had tried to sit down but Vincent had other ideas, instead i ended up sitting in his lap instead.
"So" Tobias started off "You're mated to Kinuka?" he spoke with a raised eyebrow
"Yes Sir" Vincent spoke with a calm voice
Tobias then looked at me "Νιώθεις ασφάλεια μαζί του;"
[Do you feel safe with him?]

He spoke in greek knowing it was my native tongue. It's not common knowledge, but all faeries, no matter where we are born can speek the Greek language. It's because our ancestors originated from there and used their magic to make sure their children could speak it.

"Περίπου. Δεν με έχει βλάψει, αλλά υπάρχει ακόμα ο φόβος για αυτό." I spoke keeping my head low
[Kind of. He hasn't hurt me, but there's still the fear of it.]

Alpha Tobias closed his eyes and breathed in before speaking once more
"I think it's best if we continue in the morning. Kinuka I left your dinner in your room please make sure to eat it"
"Yes sir Mr.Alpha" I playfully spoke in a stern voice before leaving the room.

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