32-We shall not fail

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Unknowns POV

We finally finished one of the biggest parts of our plan: narrowing down where our main 10 are, of course after they escaped they became the main 9. Truly a shame though, Soren would've been a great asset in future battles. But all isn't lost...

Lilith, Colton, Adia, Zayden, Basil, Jiya, Ajax, and little Isadora....such fools they are. They made rounding them all up so much easier by going to Kinuka, all.on.their.own. It's as if the fates want me to succeed in my plans. Of course once they are back in our possession things will change. For starters they will stay separated, don't need another escape happening, now do we?

We've created cells that are made completely from their enemy substances  or qould block them from their elements. The easiest ones are Isadora and Adia as their abilities are only physical. Then there's Colton and Basil, Colton has to be near a large body of water or else if separated for too long it could cause him health issues. Basil? That Harpy can change his size so we had to use basically chicken wire, befitting of a bird if you ask me.

The Naga,  zayden, his abilities are both physical and magical so we'll have to constantly keep magic blockers on him even then we'd have to use linked cuffs for all 4 of his arms. And then there's the tail, when he was younger I saw him choke out a man the size of a hippo, gods know what he can do with it now.

After them it's Jiya and Ajax. Because Ajax's abilities are linked with the darkness and stars there's only so much we can do, as of now we can only put a magic blocker on him. Same goes for Jiya along with confiscating her bottle, if we can find it that is. These two aren't even on the top of our list within their whole group.....

Lilith and Kinuka. The most powerful of their group. Kinuka draws from the plant life around her and almost every building material is derived from pure natural resources so there's no fool-proof way of keeping her powers under wraps. The magic blocking collars don't do shit either, they don't block transformation abilities so she can just shrink and take it off.

Lilith is a whole issue on her own! WE DONT EVEN KNOW WHO THE FUCK HER PARENTS ARE! She's a fucking Demi Goddess and the only way of knowing what exactly her abilities are is if she tells us or if we can pin down which of the gods made her. And I know for a damn fact that that stubborn bitch won't tell us! My entire plan could fail because of her and that damn fairy!

But I have hope and ideas. The easiest way to control the fairy is by taking the people she cares for which will be easy considering how.....social..she is.

They fucked up when they escaped, not only did they destroy our base,, but whoever helped them is the reason my brother is gone. Those kids better enjoy what little freedom they have left, because I swear on my dead brothers soul that I will capture and torture them.

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