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It's been three months since then and life has been beautiful. All of Kinuka's siblings decided to live near the pack, not only because their sister was pregnant , but also because they had made relationships within the pack


That would be our beautiful luna

Vincent's POV

Kinuka screamed loudly while squeezing the life out of my hand. She was in the process of attempting to give birth to our first pup. We found out that they were two boys and one girl, something we were both very happy about.

"Keep pushing Luna!" Spoke one of the doctors

"I.AM!" Kinuka's eyes glowed gold and her hair started to float, something that notified high levels of anger


I was torn between sadness and pride. My mate is trying her hardest to bring our children into this world, but I feel bad for all the pain she is going through


2 hours later and all three of our pups were born. Dante, Luciano, and Karrissa. Dante was first, then came, Luciano, and finally Karrissa. The boys were both born of average size but, Karrissa was a bit small, luckily she will only need to stay for three nights.

Once we've taken all the kids home it took us an entire week for the entire the pack, including both our families, to meet and gift the kids.

Thankfully many of the parents gathered around and gave us bits of advice here and there for raising the kids

Kinuka's POV

As I sit in the kids bedroom I stare at their beds. I can't believe I gave birth to triplets, this makes me think of my parents. I have 5 years until I can see them freely, they'll be so excited to see me and their grandchildren.


5 Years Later

Karissa's POV

Me and my brothers are super excited, today is the day we finally get to meet our grandparents. Speaking of, Let me tell you something even cooler! Me and my brothers are tribrids! Part wolf, fairy, and gods. But we all have different fairies! Dante is wind, Luciano is water, and Just like our mama I'm earth.

While playing hide and seek I see a path that leads into a cave. If I hide there tete (Dante) will never find me. I decide to hide in the cave while also growing some glow mushrooms. Mama side they are called Biolumi but the real word is waaayy to hard to pronounce. As I walk in the cave I see a huge tree, right as I'm about to get closer Luci comes in.

"Kari what are you doin in here papa said to stay away from.....caves.." he stopped once he saw the tree

"I know bu it was lookin super cool" I argued

"Hey what's wrong with that tree?" Questioned Dante

"We don know" I answered

Right at we got close a face on the tree opened it's eyes and groweled out


We screamed and ran to our parents. After that day we never went into caves again

The Alphas Little Fairy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now