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Kinuka's POV

"An Earth Fairy Demi-goddess" they smiled together


After they said that I zoned out so quickly it could've caused whip lash. It makes sense. Even with all the torture I was given I never died. As i'm zoned out I am suddenly hit with a memory



As i'm thrown back into my cell I scream out in pain. The fresh scars I was given wereb irritated by my harsh movements. None of my other cell mates were back aside from Azazel. He's the only vampire in our cell, he's also very scary and to make it worse he's been starved for an entire week. As I sat up against the wall I felt a harsh grip form around my neck. As I looked up I saw a smilling Azazel

"Let me end our pain together" he smilled before plunging his teeth into my neck

I couldnt even panic before I felt him get ripped from my neck. I looked up to see a crystalized vine stabbing him in his heart and....gold dripping from his mouth? Once I was certain he was dead I looked in the broken mirror to see that I was bleeding gold.


"That explains why I'm still alive"I whsipered

My father hugged me before speaking

"It's forbidden for children of gods to live intheir realm until they are 25 because that's the age that their bodies can healthily handle the change in pressure and air" he rubbed my back "But we didn't want to leave you alone"

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned

"Why do you think Beau has been with you since you were three?" She smilled

"Wait,W-what?" I furrowed my eyebrows

My parents chuckled and then went into detail explaining that elemental familiars aren't developed until the age of 16. Beau was created by my mother and then assigned to become my guardian. Turns out he can speak but was sworn to oath to not speak to me until I found out about my parents. By the end of the conversation it had became night time and I was exhausted.

"Guess that means it's bed time" my father chuckled

It then dawned on me that my friends and family were still in a war

"The war! I have to get back!" I rushed o the door but was then pulled back by a gentle vine

"Time works differently here, its only been a couple of hours in here, but mere seconds compared to out there" my mother reassured me

That comment alone had my brain moving a mile a minute. If its only been a couple of seconds then that means I could use my time here wisely


I've been here with my parents for 2 weeks now and i've already gotten tronger. I can now create living replicas of people from plants, I've even figured that I can use the godesses voice. The godesses voice is an ability that very few demi gods have, it allows us to command people to do what we wish, the stroner the voice the more successful the command becomes.

And the crystal wings? That was just my demi goddess abilities showing themself. I've talked with my parents and they've agreed to open a discussion with the other gods about visiting their children in the lower realms. They were proud to see how much I've grown within the small amount of time I've been with them.

But now it's time for me to leave and go back to my family below. I'm the reason this war started and I will be the reason it ends. As I walk towards the pool that will send me back to my body, I look back at my parents one last time before speaking

"I will end this, and when I do, we'll be able to be able to sort out this visitation issue okay" I spoke almost crying

"Of course we will" my mother cried

"Go kick some ass Princess" my dad smilled

And with that I jumped in

Look out ABBADON, here comes HERA

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