24-My Truth

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Kinuka's POV

As I walked into the office I could see Vincent writing on a peice of paper. His hair looked messy, as if he kept running his hands through it.

Once he looked up and saw it was me, he placed down his pen and folded his hands on his desk.

"Kinuka" he spoke in a 'I recognize that you are here' sort of tone. It hurt my feelings, but I understand why he said it like that

"Vinny I-I" I breathed in and out lowly " I'm ready to tell you the truth"

He simply raised his eyebrow

"I'm gonna tell you my whole truth and I just need you to wait until I'm finished to say anything, okay?" I spoke in a wavery voice
"I understand" he spoke in a calm tone

I took a deep breath in and out before starting:

When I was little, I lived in a small village. The village was comprised of good in nature creatures like fairies, pixies, centaurs, nymphs, and others along those lines.

I lived in a building that was for all the orphans, but our caretaker Ms. Peony told us that we were all her kids, no matter what. I was only 5 years old when it happened.

It was a peaceful day, Me and some of the other children were helping Mrs.Witaker in the library when we heard a loud explosion. We went outside and saw that our protective barrier was gone.

We saw many people come rushing in, holding weapons of all kinds. The centaurs, nymphs, and elementals fought to hold them back and protect everyone else, but it wasn't enough. A week later every survivor was Chained and bound in wagons leading us to an unknown place.

When I woke up, my hand were bound above me and I was in a room with 4 children, 2 centaurs, and Ms. Witaker. I remember seeing all of us covered in blood, whether it was ours or someone else's.

When we were in the base we were treated horribly. We never had baths, they just aggressively hosed us down with ice cold or scolding hot water. We were barely ever fed, only once a day and mostly scraps. If you were bad you qould be whipped and starved for 3 weeks.

When I turned 7, thats when the worst part started. They experimented on us, trying to see just how powerful we were. They would torture us if we didn't use our abilities to the extent before collapsing.

I had a friend, her name was Talia. One day, while we were being 'trained' together, I got tired which angered our overseer. He was about to punish me when Talia summoned a fire dog to attack him. He was blinded in his left eye, Talia? She was tortured in a way no child should have been. The older men 'used' her, they stabbed her to make sure she could never have children.

I would hear her screams for months, until one day they stopped. That was when I knew she was gone. We weren't allowed to mourn her death , because afterwards the torture and 'training' got worse. I remember the day Mrs.Witaker collapsed from exhaustion, me and the other children ran to her aid, but by the time we figured out to help her it was too late.

That was the cycle of my life, I'd make companions that would help ease the pain and then I'd be forced to watch them die,, until I turned 10. 57 of us had gotten strong enough to form an escape plan but we needed outside help. That was where Mrs.Washington came in, also known as Ms.Evelyn. Her and over half of Tobias's pack had came to our aid. We fought our hardest and won. While some of the men escaped we had rescued the 63 others that were still Chained up.

While our bodies were rescued, it was already too late for what was left of our souls. Whenever we looked into the mirror we would always be reminded of what was done to us.

Once I was finished I looked up to see Vincent, his eyes had turned pitch black and were filled with tears. We sat in a small silence as he took in what I had just told him, before he spoke in a hoarse voice

"I'm so sorry Coniglia"

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