36-Bad Man

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Isadora's POV?!

I'm scared. I don't want the mean man to get us again because last time we barely made it. All my older siblings promised they would protect me, but whose gonna protect them?

I told them that I would be fighting with them, of course they all got mad and said no, but I told them that we escaped together so we fight together. They're the only family I got since my mama passed away and I don't know who or where my dad is. Kuka told me that if I wanted to fight I had to be able to take down a teen wolf or else I had to go hide with the others.

(Kuka is Kinuka, when Isadora was little she had issues pronouncing her whole name)

It happened 2 days ago and I was super nervous but I kept thinking about how hard they fought to protect me and how it was my turn to do the same. And guess what? That determination is what led me to Qin against a 13 year old werewolf, can you believe it?!

Anyways, they told me that just because I won, doesn't mean I'm outta the woods yet. Lilith used her *que child's attempt at a scary voice* GODDESS POWERS!

She's been learning an incantation to protect me from being harmed and on top of that she trying to figure out how to make it last longer and on multiple people.

I've also been hanging out with Mr.Vincent. I see why Kuka loves him so much. He's a very good listener and not too bossy. He told me that if I wanted to I could live here with his pack. I met a lot of kids my age who are pretty funny and nice. Most of em have never even seen a species besides a wolf.

There was even a boy I met who was super fun, but don't tell any of the others or they might scare him away. Anyways the point of this was to let it be known that no matter what, I WILL be fighting alongside my siblings and I WILL protect them as they did me.

Let it be known that the Bad Man that hurt us the first time, will not be hurting us. EVER AGAIN!
Guess who just finished their FIRST week at their first job?!
And on top of that it's a fully female run, African American Daycare/summer camp. Of course we have mixed kids as well but it's SO MUCH FUN!

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