28-Story Time

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(Shout-out to OnyxLotus18 for giving me some ideas for this chapter and sending some of the most BEAUTIFUL comments I've ever seen!)

Kinuka's POV


As I turned around I saw the boy that saved my life and was like a brother to me. I shot up from the ground with Isadora in my arms and ran to hug him. Ajax is an elemental, a rare one at that. His element is plasma and stars, basically the substances that make up space. He was born with tattoos of the stars and planets, and can control them at will. He can even make pocket dimensions to carry items or even living creatures

Ajax and I met when I was 7, I was moved into a new cell with him and few others

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Ajax and I met when I was 7, I was moved into a new cell with him and few others. He protected me when I was too weak to keep going, he even gave me what little food he was given when I was on the brink of death. We got separated when I turned 10 because of our different species, reunited when we escaped and then separated once again.

"Iris is that really you?" He smiled exhausted
"Its me, I promise you it's me" I cried happily

Isadora and Ajax both squeezed me into a hug that lasted about 4 minutes before we heard a growl. As I turned around I saw Enzo, Mr.Lionel, and Vincent standing in very dominating stances.

"Vincent you'll never beli-" I was cut off
"Who are you and why are you touching our Luna?" Asked Mr.Lionel
"W-wait, you're a Luna?!" Gasped Isadora
"Surprise" I smiled sheepishly
"And who are they" asked Ajax

After he asked that I calmly created a small sitting area out of cotton and twigs
"Everyone have a seat" I smiled

Once everyone sat down I started to explain
"Ajax, Isadora, meet my mate Alpha Vincent, his Beta Enzo, and their top Warrior Mr.Lionel" I pointed to everyone as I spoke
"Everyone meet my friends Ajax and Isadora, although they're more like siblings to me"

After the introduction the area around us was much more relaxed
"We're sorry that we came onto your land, but we sensed my big sis and got excited" Isadora spoke in a sad tone

"Its okay we're not mad, just a bit...Surprised" spoke Enzo
"Okay then, next time we promise to come in through the front!" Beamed Isadora
After that everyone laughed

Once we stopped laughing Vincent spoke up
"What caused you all to get separated?"

Ajax and Isadora both visibly stiffened, Isadora hugged me tighter and burried her head in my neck 'bad men' she whimpered. Ajax and I looked at each other silently agreeing that he'd be the one to explain.

"After we escaped the building we broke off into groups of 10, each choosing a different direction to run in. It was the three of us and 7 of our close friends. While we were running one of the men *sigh* one of them shot me, I was bleeding plasma too quickly so we only had enough time to hide in a small cave before they got too close. One of our friends, Soren a vampire, used his ability to make them think we all ran out, he died protecting us. But it was sadly in vain. The men figured out that it was fake and caught up to us, Kinuka used her magic to hide us underneath the ground. They caught up to her and the last thing I saw was them shoot their guns and seeing her fall off the edge of a cliff" Ajax looked over at me with unshed tears "we thought you were dead" he whispered

"I know and I'm sorry but it was the only way to keep you all safe" I felt a tear fall down my cheek "I knew that there was a lake under the cliff so when they shot at me they missed, but I made it look real. I fell under and when morning came I went back for you all and you were gone" I stressed the word gone to show how much it hurt "I thought they took you all from me, all over again" my voice cracked

Ajax pulled me into a tight hug as I quietly cried, I was thankful that Vincent let him hug me, its one of the things I missed about Ajax, he gave the best hugs.

"So where did you and the others go?" Asked Lionel
"We found an abandoned mansion deep in the woods, when we found it we decided we could live there-" Ajax was cut off by Isadora " Everyone used ther magic to fix it up and now it looks super pretty" She smiled softly

"You should come visit sometime, Lilith knew you weren't gone so she made sure you had your own bedroom" Ajax chuckled
"Lilith is something else, and I promise to come and visit eventually" I yawned
"Guess that means it's time for bed" Vincent Chuckled "Ajax and Isadora you two are both family to my mate which makes you family to this pack, you two can rest here for as long as you need and in the future if you ever need help you can count on us" He spoke smiling

"Realy!? Really?" Ajax and Isadora spoke at the same time to which Vincent nodded his head
Isadora shot up and hugged Vincent as tight as she could while repeating 'thank you'
Once sleeping arrangements were figured out we all calmed down. We've already eaten dinner and bathed, Vincent agreed to let Isadora and I sleep in the living room together, and Ajax is out like a light.

"I'm so happy" Isadora cried " I thought I'd never see you again"
"Don't worry Isa I'll never leave you, I love you far too much to do that"

After that we fell asleep watching Steven Universe

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