The Young Years: Chapter 7

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June 14th, 2014
It took double the chores and a small lie that I was going with Kaya to see her crush but I was able to go. The thing was my mom wasn't against freshmen dating but more like denial. She already went over with me a year ago about how you can't date at my age and how a boy can be my "special friend" but not my boyfriend because you can't you date at my age. But that's how she looked at it. I saw it as a boyfriend isn't a person you have to go one dates with. It's a person that you like more then a friend and want to be more then friends with. The title it self is like your dating. My mom was just being over dramatic like always.
So when Saturday came my mom agreed to pick up me and Kaya and take us to the vets park. Kaya like always looked adorable in her PINK t-shit that was actually black and white with her jean shorts that showed off her skinny legs. Me on the other hand had an off the sleeve navy blue, black and white Indian design shirt with jean shorts and my famous cop like sun glasses. It took almost an hour of FaceTime arguing for me to be forced not to wear my plaid shirt.
It was sunny out with few clouds that drop a nice breeze. Vets park is probably the nicest ball park in Bristol. It had a small play ground on the left with a couple of swings and slides. Then there was 2 baseball fields. The one  on the left near the playground was usually the younger kids field like for t-ball and beginning baseball. The right field was for the older kids like Carter.
"Okay you got me here but you better get me a coolata" she laughed
"Yeah yeah I want an iced coffee anyway"
The best part about living in a small town was that everything is within walking distance. It was only a 7 minute walk from vets park to the closest Dunkin donuts.
"What do you want" I asked Kaya
"French vanilla coolata"
"Okay go get the straws while I order this"
I ordered her coolata with my small hazelnut iced coffee which is like heaven in a cup.
"I really appreciate you coming" I said while we began walking back to the park.
"Of course. I got your back girl"
"I know I know. You know Caleb plays on Carters team right" I said with a wink
"That may have been a pro in deciding to come here"
"What you didn't want to hang out with me" I said dramatically
"Eh" she laughed
"Oh you suck" I said giving her a punch in the arm
We continued walking and gossiping about the latest couples. We ended up having a small argument about if Jillian and forest are gonna make it through the summer or not. I called they would break up right when school starts. But Kaya swore it would be on the last day of school.
By the time we made it to the park Carters league was walking to the field. We instantly jogged over to the bleachers and took a seat on the top.
"Do you know want team they're on" asked Kaya.
I didn't know if Caleb or Carter  was on the red team (Knights) or the blue ( east bay). But I figured they would call his name when he went to bat.
"Nope but don't they call their names when they bat" I asked Kaya knowing that her brother play baseball
"Yeah true"
The red bated first A few players went by none named Carter Rod.
"Hey this one pretty cute" said Kaya elbowing me while raising her eyebrows.
His name apparently was Michael lima and he had blonde hair that was peeking through the cap.
"Eh more your type" I said watching the game.
The thing was I didn't real like blondes. It had nothing to do with them. If there was a really nice athletic smart guy with blonde hair I would probably be into him. I just was guys with black or dark brown hair attract me more.
"I think Carters on the blue team" said Kaya
I watched as a boy on the blue team began walking up to the plate. I heard the name London Mello be called and I knew it was Carters team instantly.
"Yeah this is their team" I stated
4 boy went by before I heard Caleb Overis.
"Oweeeeee" I said dragging it on and nudging at Kaya
"Quit it" she said pushing me away
"Hey he looks nice" I said with a wink
"He has a nice ass" whispered Kaya but enough for me to hear
"KAYA" I scream
"What he has a nice ass!!!" Screamed Kaya but instantly regretted it because 12 people began staring at us. I watched as her checks went flushed and she buried her head in my shoulder while I died of laughing hysterically.
I kept looking around after that but no one even looked like Carter. I even heard Forest Rod.
"You suck" I screamed when he went up. I knew he heard me cause I watched as his head turn and a smirk played on his lips while groaned in annoyance.
"You can't say that" said Kaya hitting me
"Owe why not"
"You just can't" she laughed
I excitedly anticipated Carter being next considering him and Forest would the last to bat and the game only had 10 minutes left. However Carter didn't come out of the batting cage. Some kid named Mark Addams did.
Kaya turned to look at me "he already went"
"Yeah" I said
"I don't get it this is Carters team did he text you or something saying he was sick"
I shocked me head. I had no words. Carter said he would be here. He look good to me at school today. His brothers her. I felt sick to my stomach. All they guy that went to my school, on his team, knew I was here. Some even said hey. I had just embarrassed myself. I wasted my time to see him and to be a good girlfriend but he wasn't here how could he do this to me.
I rested my head in Kaya shoulder. I was really hurt. She gave comforting word of what an ass he is and how she would beat the shit out of him. But I was deaf to her words. All I could hear was the small tears of my heart.

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