The Young Years: Chapter 14

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July 21th, 2014
Today was Monday. I was supposed to go to work at the camp but once again I convinced my mom I was sick. I still needed more time to recover. My heart wasn't broken it was gone.
It was around 10:00 and I was already dress. I ended up watching the "notebook" and kept screaming at all the love scenes. Calling it bullshit and screaming how he doesn't actually love her. Of course I knew it wasn't true because that movie is the perfect love story but still.
I heard the door bell ring and getting up I went to answer it.
When I opened the door I saw Kaya, Stephanie, Kyle and Kaitlin standing there.
"Hey" I said raising an eyebrow
"Can we come in" asked Stephanie
"Yeah but, Kyle don't you have to go to camp and Kaya isn't it still your shift at the café" I asked confused to why they were here.
"Sofia we are going to even with him" said Kyle with anger evident
"Wait you guys know what happened" I asked staring right at Kaitlin who awkwardly scratched her neck. It wasn't that I mined the knowing but I had to be her. She knew everything even what happened yesterday.
"How" I said siting back on my coach. I watched as everyone sat to my sides. Stephanie sat the my left and tightly wrapped her arms around my shoulder. I just lowered my head. I had no more tears left in me.
"So what's the plan" asked Kyle
"The plan is simple" began Kaya "Carter likes Genis. So we'll have Genis text Carter asking him to meet her at the building at corner street of market and maple where we will be with a bucket of water" concluded Kaya with a pretty proud look on her face.
"So we dump water on him" said Kyle leaning against the wall near the side table.
"What about the whole Genis part" said Kaitlin
"Oh god can we please not bring her into this" it wasn't that I didn't like Genis. I loved her. I just didn't want another person knowing my problems.
"She never has to know" said Kaya
"How" asked Stephanie
"I have her password for snap chat from when I did her streaks. But remember her mom made her delete it. So she'll never know we texted Carter from there"
"Perfect. But water sounds pretty boring" said Kaitlin rolling her eyes.
"Let's make it more interesting then" said Kyle
"How" asked Stephanie
"How about we bake a cake for him" said Kyle with an evil smile"
"I got cake mix, eggs, and oil" I said bringing up me head
"We're not actually baking him a cake are we" asked Kaya
"No" said Kyle rolling his eyes " I say lets damn that stuff on him"
"I kinda like that" said Stephanie
"Let do it"said Kaitlin jumping off her seat.
Everyone eyes landed on me. I gave a small smile and nodded my head excitedly.
We then all went through my cabinets gathering cake ingredients.
We came up with the plan to hide the ingredients in the waterworths abandoned factory. The best part of carrying 2 beach buckets of water, 1 pale of vegetables oil, 1/2 a cartoon of eggs, and 2 boxes worth of brownie mix down Main Street was everyone was working so no cars could be found.
After hiding the ingredients in the building we agreed to meet up here again around 7:00.
I honestly didn't want to prank Carter. As much as I hated him a part of me didn't want to bring him harm.
"Ok Kaya text Carter" said Kaitlin
We watched as Kaya signed into Genis account and snap chated Carter to meet her by the docks near warterworth factory.
He instantly snap back "I'll be there😏"
I could have sworn I heard a crack.
I heavily breath in and felt Kaitlin's hand on my shoulder and I began walking faster towards the factory.
Once we reached the factory we all climbed through the open windows and retrieved our ingredients. Knowing that we didn't have much time we climb the ladder to the top of the building as fast as we could.
The building was rough to climb. The building was made of bricks and the ladder was rusty. The cold air blow in my face. My eyes squinted as they became dry.
As I reached the top of the building my legs swung over the edge as my arm hung over the latter with the bucket of oil. Slowly my right arm pulled up the bucket. My stomach laid on the cement of the top. Slowly I brought my knees to the stomach and lifted my body up. I was standing on the building. I had the urge to look over the edge but the fear prevented me.
Stephanie took my left hand and brought me to the edge. I didn't look over but I knew we had to be at 20ft up.
We then saw a shadow approach the docks. It was him and only him. We ducked down.
I watched as he leaned against the wall and checked his phone. I knew it was time.  I with all my strength dumped oil on his head. Everyone else began dumping buckets except Kyle who began chucking eggs at his head. I heard a girl scream come from down below. Followed by repeated screams and ow. I couldn't tell if it was satisfied with this. People say the best way to fix a broken heart was revenge but I might disagree. I felt bad. There was still a part of me that still liked him. After everything. Maybe the untold part was that it heals a broken heart after time of self healing. Or maybe it just doesn't work for me. I almost felt guilty now.
I looked down and he was wet,brown, oily, and was covered with egg shells. You couldn't help but let a small laugh fall through.
He then looked up and I turn my face while everyone else laughed at him over the edge. 
"Break Sofia's heart and you get baked into a cake" scream Stephanie
He stormed off without looking back. Well more like ran off with the fear of what may come. We all exchanged high fives and hug. I would be ok now. But not for long. My heart still needed time but I would live. I was just thankful I wouldn't have to see him again for a while.

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