Chapter 3: Normal School Days

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March 5th 2014 / Valkyrie Dormitories - St. Freya Academy

It has been about a month since my enrollment here. Things have been going on without any huge problems for me. For once, I feel just like a normal boy, going to school, making friends. I did manage to make some acquaintances here and there with the other girls in class since the duel a few weeks ago.

There were some mixed reactions to the duel. It seems that they have realized that they were wrong and even apologized for it. Although, there are still some groups with major superiority complex, denying to accept the fact that I can defeat one of their own.

The only people that I can really consider as friends here are my roommates, Mei, Kiana and Bronya. Mei and I have been getting along pretty well, while I'm slowly becoming acquainted with Bronya after we learned that we both are good at video games and she considers me a worthy opponent.

And as for Kiana, well, things have gotten more complicated between us. A few groups of students were unhappy with her and called her weak because she lost to me. In actuality, she did pretty well fighting against me, if it was anyone else, she would've won.

She mostly ignores their nagging, so she doesn't seem to be affected by it greatly.

However, because of that, she probably hates me more than she does already. Honestly, I felt bad for her. Maybe I should've lost that match on purpose. I guess there's no use regretting about it. I have to find a way to make it up to her later.

Looking at the clock on the wall, it is currently 5:57 in the morning. I had gotten up from my bed and taken a quick shower before putting on my uniform.

According to the strict schedule that I must follow whenever I'm at the dorms, I will have to be the first one to wake up at around 5:30 in the morning to do all of my business. After school, it is the opposite, I will have to wait for all of them to take their showers first before it is my turn.

It's not really a hard life here, but it isn't exactly easy either.

Among other things, the four of us had to get used to strenuous schoolwork and rigorous training. Of course, there are still some other things that needed to be ironed out.

Kiana: KYAAAAAA!!!

For example, Major Himeko has a habit of sleeping in Kiana's bed after getting completely wasted at a dive bar.

Kiana: Stop invading my bed every time you're drunk!

I heard Kiana yell out from her room. She usually will go to Kiana's room, but just in case, I make it a habit to lock my door before I go to sleep.

Mei: Everyone! Breakfast is ready!

I heard Mei call from the kitchen. During the past month we've been living here, Mei had always been the one handling the cooking in the house. No one had any complaints, as we have been really well fed by her.

After taking a short glance out the small window of my room, I head out the door.

All of us then gathered at the dining table. Breakfast for today is miso soup with a bit of rice and fish and also tofu on the side.

Himeko: Miso soup? Haven't had this for a while...

She muttered before taking a sip with her spoon.

Her eyes practically lit up as she had her first taste of it. And after having a taste of the food myself, I can understand her reaction. This miso soup is the best I've ever tasted. In fact, everything made by her is delicious. Seriously, if she were to open a restaurant, I won't be surprised if she was awarded a Michelin star.

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