Chapter 24: Oceania Assignment

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???: We're approaching the Oceania Branch's headquarters

One of the crew of the Hyperion bridge said to the commanding officer on deck, Major Murata Himeko

Himeko: Prepare the Hyperion for landing

???: Understood. Preparing for landing

Kiana: So this is New Zealand...

Kiana gazed at the view outside the large window.

Himeko: I'm sure you've all been briefed on the situation already. But just in case, I'll have Ai-chan give you a run down

Ai-chan: Okay!

A holographic projection of a young girl with light green hair tied into large buns, pops out in front of them with a cheerful smile.

A holographic projection of a young girl with light green hair tied into large buns, pops out in front of them with a cheerful smile

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This is Ai-chan. An artificial intelligence assistant aboard the Hyperion. She was found by Theresa a while ago during a secret mission somewhere around the Arctic Ocean.

Under various circumstances, the artificial intelligence was installed into the Hyperion and now acts as a virtual assistant, able to access various systems and subsystems of the Hyperion.

Ai-chan: Exactly 19 hours ago, a powerful Honkai energy spike was detected in New Zealand. The Oceania branch dispatched their full force, but was quickly overwhelmed by the Honkai, and they're forced to withdraw to save the Valkyries they have left. They're all being evacuated as we speak

Akiri: An army of trained Valkyries wiped out by Honkai in less than a day...

Mei: How is that possible?

Himeko: We have little information about the attack. Communications was cut off almost immediately after we detected the spike

Akiri: Something tells me that this is no ordinary Honkai outbreak

Ai-chan: Currently, almost half of New Zealand is taken over by Honkai beasts. HQ had requested the help of the Far-East branch to mobilize and deal with the threat while they organize a full counter offensive force

Kiana: But we're not here for that, right?

Ai-chan: Correct. In the chaos of the attack, the Gem of Desire, which is under the Oceania branch's protection, went missing. Valkyrie Squad V's mission, is to find and recover the gem

Himeko: The good news is, the Hyperion is equipped with a sensor capable of locating the gem. All you need to do is go down there and retrieve it

Kiana: Aunt Himeko, what exactly is the Gem of Desire?

Himeko: I don't know much about it myself, but 16 years ago, Schicksal got hold of 3 gems, one of which was the Gem of Desire

Akiri: (thoughts) 16 years ago... That was after the Second Eruption...

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