Chapter 4: Necessary Preparations

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Somewhere, in a dimly lit office room, a man with brown hair wearing a pair of glasses is on his laptop, currently in a video call with someone.

Man: ...And that is all I have seen here so far

???: Alright

A female voice replied as he finishes his report.

???: How's Akiri?

Man: Well, he hasn't blown his cover yet, so I guess he's doing well in the school at the moment

???: I see. Did he try contacting you yet?

Man: No. He's being cautious for now. To be honest, I think it's the right move. I feel like I'm being monitored as well, but I can't confirm it...

The man placed his fingers on his chin.

???: As long as he doesn't do anything reckless like use his powers, he should be fine. And speaking about his powers...

The person trails off as the screen changes to an x-ray scan of someone's body. A blue dot is seen near where the heart is. At the sides of the screen, are different kinds of data being shown.

???: Take a look at this. We've recently detected something peculiar from his core

Man: What is it?

The man was intrigued as he looks closely at the screen.

???: His core is radiating an unusual energy signature. This is the first time something like this ever happened

Man: He might be pushing his powers again

???: No, this is something else. Based on the readings, the core seems like it's growing. Maybe the more accurate term, it's evolving

The man looks back at the person with a surprised look.

Man: What?

???: Yes. I'm speculating that the core is reacting to his body. More specifically, his Stigmata

Man: Really...?

???: However, there's nothing we can do about it. He's with you now all the way at St. Freya. We have to bring him back to my lab if we want to observe the changes in more detail

Man: I guess so. We should keep monitoring the core however we can for now

???: Very well. I think that is all. Remember to send the intel later

Man: I know

???: And also, I think it's time to bring him in. I figured he would want to know what's going on by now

Man: Right. I'll call him in next time

The person on the screen nodded.

???: See you soon, Mr. Welt

With that, the communication cuts off, and the man closes his laptop and released a sigh.

(A few days later)

Akiri: This goes in like this...

Currently, Akiri is seen alone in his room, already dressed in his school uniform. The room is dimly lit as he had closed the window curtain shut. Only a small lamp illuminates the room just enough so that it is not completely dark.

He is sitting on the floor with his legs crossed as he is reassembling a handgun which he had borrowed from the school's armoury.

After he finished reassembling all of the parts, he finishes by disengaging the slide lock and the slide snapped to the forward position. He then puts the empty magazine back into the weapon.

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