EX Chapter I | Something to Protect

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It was another normal day at St. Freya Academy, the only Schicksal Valkyrie training facility located in East Asia.

A couple of students are seen walking around the campus ground on their daily commute. Some are seen carrying extra books, some are seen conversing with each other while others are quietly making their way to class. The voices of the teachers giving their lectures are heard echoing throughout the halls of the main building.

Currently, two people are walking down the hallway, both of them are seen carrying huge stacks of paper.

Himeko: Thanks again for helping me, Shiranobu. These paperworks are really getting overwhelming for me

Akiri: No problem, miss Himeko

It was Major Murata Himeko and the newly appointed Schicksal Knight, Akiri Shiranobu.

Himeko: After this, I still need to grade your scores for the quiz...

She said with a disheartened sigh.

Akiri: It must be hard being both a teacher and a Major at the same time, huh?

Himeko: You tell me

After walking for a while longer, they then stopped in front of a fancy looking wooden door. Attached to the front, was a gold plate with an engraving that spells "Principal's Office."

Himeko reached out with a hand and gave a few firm knocks to the door.

Theresa: Come in

Principal Theresa's voice was heard from inside, slightly muffled. Himeko then opened the door and walked inside with Akiri following closely behind.

As they entered the office, they noticed Theresa pacing inside the room, moving from one side to the other.

Himeko: Here's all the paperwork done. All that's left is for you to sign them

Theresa: Ah, Himeko! And Shiranobu as well. I'm so glad you're here!

Himeko: Huh? What's the matter?

Theresa releases a sigh.

Theresa: It's Kiana. The teachers called in again, saying that she's not present in classes since the morning

Akiri: So she's skipping classes again?

Theresa: It seems so. Can you help me find her? I want to go find her myself, but I'm tied up with work right now

She gestures towards the huge stacks of paper on her desk. Multiple stamps, and other basic stationaries are strewn across her desk.

Himeko: I'm on it. Akiri, mind helping me a little more?

She asked as she turns towards the boy.

Akiri: Right, of course. Besides, I think I've got an idea of where she's heading

Himeko: You do?

Akiri: Yeah


After exiting Theresa's office, Himeko and Akiri went straight towards the direction of the training field. Once they were just outside the front entrance of the arena, both of them went to hide behind a trimmed bush and waited.

Himeko: Are you sure she's going to come here?

Himeko asked in a low voice.

Akiri: Yup. Just wait a bit longer

Although still having some doubts, Himeko only nodded and stayed quiet, waiting behind the bush. And after a while longer...

Akiri: There she is

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