Chapter 2: A Friendly Spar?

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I just can't seem to avoid getting in trouble, can I...?

Right now, I am on my own in the armoury, preparing for my upcoming sparring match against Kiana Kaslana.

Looking around, there are many types of weapons available. From simple one-handed short swords, claymores, and even scythes. Firearms are available as well. Pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles, complete with tactical attachments.

So many weapons to choose from, but I mainly specialize in swords. They are simple, but also quite versatile and can get the job done in most situations. So I went towards the bladed weapons section and picked out a plain-looking, one-handed sword. I would've preferred to use one of my own swords as they were made specifically to my liking, but the use of personal equipment is prohibited in training matches.

I placed the blade inside its sheath and strapped it securely to my back, giving it a small tug to make sure it wasn't going to slip during any intense movements.

I didn't need to change clothes as the standard school uniform that are worn by the students here can handle a lot of stress and it already has good flexibility. Although it's not as good as my Battlesuit, it shouldn't hinder my movements too much.

I then took a moment to remind myself to hold back. And God forbid if I accidentally revealed my Herrscher powers. Tes would give me an earful about it for an entire week...

I released a sigh.

Akiri: Let's just get this over with...

After getting ready, I walked out of the armoury and entered the training arena, where Kiana is already waiting for me, also wearing her school uniform, standing there with her arms crossed. On her hip, are two pistol holsters on each side.

The other girls are watching not too far off the sides, all seated at the spectator seats.

Girl #1: Go, Kiana!

Girl #2: Show him how superior we girls are!

Loud cheers and shouting were heard, all undoubtedly against me and are supporting the silver-haired girl in front of me. I realized that this is no longer just a match between me and Kiana. This is a battle between males and females.

Mei: Do your best, you guys!

I heard Mei's voice among the noisy crowd. She cheering us on as she is sitting next to Bronya, who is quiet as always.

Kiana: I'm going to give you a chance

I heard Kiana say from where she is standing.

Akiri: A chance?

Kiana: To surrender. There's no way you're beating me, a Kaslana. I'd rather spend my time sparring with someone that could keep up with me. What do you say?

Akiri: No, I don't think I will

Kiana: Hmph! Then get ready to lose!

She shouted as she pointed a finger at me.

Himeko: Are you both ready?

Himeko said as she was standing off to the side of the arena, holding a tablet which is displaying our vitals.

Kiana: Ready!

Kiana shouted while I just answered with a nod.

Looking back at what Kiana is using, it is a pair of the same looking dual pistols. Judging from the design of the weapons, she's using standard model USP45s. And the fact that she is a Kaslana only means one thing; she'll be using the Kaslana gun-kata. A technique used by house Kaslana for generations.

Fracturization (Honkai Impact X OC/Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now