Chapter 6: The Valkyrie Trials Pt.2

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Mei: Kiana-chan!

Mei shouted as she started running, however, she was too far away to reach Kiana in time. Bronya fired her canons, but it was no use as the Honkai only held up its shield to block the attack.

Kiana could only watch as the Honkai beast brought down its lance towards her.

Is this it? Is this the best she could do? This is nowhere near enough to become an S-rank Valkyrie like she wanted. Would she be able to fulfil her deal with Theresa so that she could find her father? Those thoughts ran through her mind in an instant.

She closes her eyes in response, preparing for the inevitable hit...

However, it didn't come. She slowly opened her eyes to the shock of seeing that the lance had been stopped by Akiri, blocking it with both of his swords, struggling against the Honkai beast's strength.

Akiri: You idiot... I know you're trying to prove to everyone that you're strong... But what you're doing is beyond stupid!

Kiana: Wh-what did you say?!

Akiri: You heard me! I said that you're an idiot! I get that you don't like me. But for now, let me help you! We need to work together if we want to get through this!

Her eyes widened as she looked up at him struggling to hold off the lance from hitting them. She felt her cheeks heating up for some reason. She couldn't help but stare at his face as she then lowered her head and bit her lip.

Kiana: Fine...

Akiri nodded as he then gathers up his energy and pushes away the lance with all of his strength, giving them time to take a few steps back and regroup.

Akiri: Alright, here's the plan. Bronya and Kiana, you two need to distract him while Mei and I get in close to kill it

Kiana: Hey, wait! Why do you get to be the leader?

She complained as she points a finger at him.

Akiri: Well, if you have a better plan, I'm all ears

Kiana: Alright, fine

Akiri: Good. Now, let's go

Now armed with a plan, Valkyrie Squad V began their assault on the Honkai beast.

Bronya was the first to engage with her mechanoid, Project Bunny 19C aiming towards her target as she charges her weapon to full capacity.

Bronya: Target locked. Fire!

With her cannon fully charged, she fired towards the Templar, which then defended itself using its shield. However, it did get knocked back by the force of the blast. At the same time, Mei and Akiri had gotten behind the enemy while it was in a daze and started to attack, dealing out more slashes.

The monster quickly turns around to fight back, however it was then distracted by Kiana firing her guns at it, hitting it with a barrage of bullets.

Kiana: Hey, ugly! Over here!

The monster now has its attention on Kiana and started to attack her, but the silver-haired girl dodges all of its strikes with sidesteps and backflips.

As Kiana was diverting its attention, it is time for Akiri and Mei to start their second wave of attack.

Akiri: Let's go, Mei!

Mei: Right!

Just like before, Mei leads with a series of slashes, injuring the Templar as it turns around and swings its lance at her in retaliation and Mei dodges the hit by jumping backwards.

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